
How to headbutt an opponent while riding a boar in Fortnite

In the third chapter of Fortnite’s third season, players were introduced to a new mechanic that allowed wild animals such as wolves and bears to do more good than just meat and mushrooms. Players can now hop on and ride a wild boar or wolf. As part of the Week 3 challenge, players can headbutt …


An insider revealed the GTA 6 storyline and named the game’s main feature

According to new information from insider Matheusvictorbr, who wrote Xfire, he recently got his hands on classified material for the upcoming GTA 6, which he immediately decided to share with the community. Assuming that the information is correct and true, the plot of Grand Theft Auto 6 will revolve around the twin brother and sister, …


Borderlands 3 All Legendary Weapons

Screenshot via Gearbox This guide covers all the legendary assault rifles, pistols, shotguns, SMGs, sniper rifles, artifacts, grenades, class mods, and heavy weapons available in Borderlands 3. Many of these can be found as random drops from enemies, but some can be obtained by killing certain special enemies. Below we list all the information you …


Johnny Cage actor from the Mortal Kombat series teases something strange

Mortal Kombat 11 was released more than three years ago – players are waiting for a new part, but no announcements or at least hints from NetherRealms are coming. And then Johnny Cage’s performer publishes a strange video… Actor Andrew Bowen posted a short videowhere he makes a mysterious face with Mortal Kombat 2 music …

