The asymmetrical multiplayer horror video game. Dead by Daylight is gearing up for a comprehensive revamp that will make nothing go back to what it was. Specifically, it will do so through the renewal, restructuring and rebalancing of a quarantine of both survivor and killer perks. A list that Behaviour Interactive has already provided, but we still do not know exactly how it will affect each of them. Today, however, and taking the mind to fly, we talk about 5 skill reworks that will change Dead by Daylight forever..
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Stay tuned: more info coming next week 🌫️ pic.twitter.com/ZZQuMXIUgX– Dead by Daylight (@DeadByBHVR) June 17, 2022
Probably the most used perk as a survivor. Fajador, formerly known as Chungo, gives you the chance to gain a small boost that serves to dodge a hit from the assassin or to prolong a chase by reaching a pallet or window. Behaviour has confirmed that not all reworks will be nerfs, but Fajador has every chance of being one of the nerfs. The chase mechanics will never be the same again.
Curse: No one escapes death
The game as an assassin has gone badly for you, but the last generator ends and No One Escapes Death, better known as NOED, allows you to leave any survivor in an agonizing state with a single hit until the corresponding curse totem is purified. The perk that for six years has been the emergency cushion for assassins could cease to exist as we know it.
Pim, pam, pum
Any Dead by Daylight player will agree that the game has a problem with rush, the rapid repair of generators. Pim, pam, pum has been one of the few tools to curb it in recent years. You hang a survivor, kick an engine and lower their progress by 25%. As necessary as it is powerful. Behaviour already nerfed it back in the day by lowering the usage time, but it seems that the Clown’s perk is facing a new rework.
Borrowed time
The standard pro survivor build has some very specific perks and Borrowed Time is one of them. Not only does it allow you to safely rescue the survivor being championed, but it usually deters tunneling, although toxic tactics can also be carried out with this ability. This legendary perk of Bill from Left 4 Dead has been reworketed in the past, we’ll see what happens with this new change.
How to get the free skins from the Dead by Daylight anniversary event.
Decisive blow
We close this top with another of the must-have perk of the survivors. Decisive Strike or simply DS is the anti-tunneling perk par excellence. If you’re unhooked and the assassin reloads you in less than a minute, you can get rid of his grip. DS was heavily nerfed in the past by being disabled after interacting with generators, survivors or trying to heal yourself. Will Behaviour break the only perk that allows solo users to stand a chance?