Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage, developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc., offers a captivating casual RPG that combines warfare and strategy. Dive into this immersive mobile gaming adventure where iconic Gundam characters unite. In this Pilot and Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage Tier List, you will know the top-performing mobile suits and pilots that will help you dominate the game.
In this game, the synergy between pilots and their mobile suits is equally vital. This tier list is here to help you create a well-balanced and formidable squad, ensuring you conquer the challenges that await in this exhilarating gaming universe.
Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage Tier List for November 2023: Best Mobile Suit Ranked
To make things simpler, we’ve sorted the mobile suits and pilots into three tiers: Strong (S), Good (A), and Average (B). This classification helps players easily grasp each hero’s potential and build a strong team for their journey.
Tier | Mobile Suits |
Strong (S) | S Gundam, Hamma-Hamma, Delta Plus, Unicorn Gundam, Gundam Full Armor, Zaku I, Narrative Gundam, Byarlant Custom, Zaku I, Byarlant Custom, Gundam Mk-II, Gundam GP01, Re-Gz, Char’s Zaku II, Narrative Gundam, Pale Rider (space type), Gundam GP01FB, Gundam, Kampfer, Victory Gundam, Zaku I (with gun), Burga-Dalas, Rick Dais |
Good (A) | Ple-Two’s Quebley Mk II, Gelgoog Marine, Den’an-Gei, Xamel, Stark Jegan, Zaku I (Sniper), Gouf, Gundam Mk II, Guntank, Gundam Ground Type, R-Jarja, Methuss, ReZEL, Zudah Unit 1, Gouf Custom, Efreet Schneid, Godzorla, Angelo’s Geara Zulu, Bawoo, Rezin’s Geara Doga, Gyunei’s Jagd Doga, Galluss J, Dahgri-Iris |
Average (B) | Capule, Early Production Gelgoog, Geara Zulu, Gaza C, Hizack, Rick Dom, GM Type C, Galbaldy Beta, Gustav Karl, Guntank Mass Production Type, GM III, GM, Geara Doga, Powered GM, Zssa, GM Command, Gun EZ, Gaza D, Marasai, ReZEL, Nemo, Acguy, Dom |
Mobile Suit Gundam UC Engage Tier List for November 2023: Best Pilots Ranked
In this section, we’ll explore the top pilot units, helping you make informed choices to enhance your squad’s performance.
Tier | Pilots |
Strong (S) | Roux Louka, Io Fleming, Mashymre Cello, Jona Basta, Riddhe Marcenas, Uso Ewin, Chloe Croce, Aina Sakhalin, Kou Uraki, Dorel Ronah, Daryl Lorenz, Char Aznable, Banagher Links, Shiro Amada, Kamille Bidan, Amuro Ray, Gyunei Guss, Gaia |
Good (A) | Loni Garvey, South Burning, Karen Joshua, Terry Sanders Jr, Elle Vianno, Bernard Wiseman, Dozle Zabi, Quattro Bajeena, Cima Garahau, Jean Luc Duvall, Annamarie Bourget, Junko Jenko, Mash, Rezin Schnyder |
Average (B) | Oliver Inoe, Zabine Chareux, Chara Soon, Emma Sheen, Hayato Kobayashi, Glemy Toto, Mouar Pharaoh, Yonem Kirks, Fa Yuiry, Bright Noa, Akahana, Kai Shiden, Garma Zabi, Mikhail Kaminsky, Ryu Jose, Arbeo Pippiniden, Golboa Sant, Gene, Kacricon Cacooler, Kayra Su, Neuen Bitter, Franklin Bidan, Denim, Ramba Ral, Yazan Gable, Sarah Zabairov, Reccoa Londe, Ortega, Lila Milla, Rira |
Best Mobile Suits and Pilots Combo in Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage for October 2023
1. S Gundam and Roux Louka
S Gundam, when paired with Roux Louka, forms a top-performing combination. It’s essential to prioritize obtaining these two as they excel in various game content. S Gundam, functioning as a bomber, experiences a significant increase in its critical rate in EX mode, making it a strong choice for high-firepower scenarios such as raid battles.
Furthermore, after S Gundam transcends, its critical attack power sees a substantial boost right from the beginning of battles, significantly enhancing its overall firepower. Leveraging its EX skills to enhance the critical rate aligns perfectly with S Gundam’s strengths.
2. Hamma-Hamma and Mashymre Cello
The Hamma-Hamma and Mashymre Cello combo is a reliable choice. Hamma-Hamma’s versatility shines with its ability to target all enemies using potent EX skills, and it excels in dealing extra damage to stunned foes.
Following transcendence, Hamma-Hamma efficiently regains a substantial portion of its EX gauge at the beginning of battles, making it a formidable choice, particularly in game modes that emphasize burst damage. To fully utilize its area-of-effect capabilities, it’s crucial to include squad members who can stun enemies.
3. Gundam Full Armor and Io Fleming
Gundam Full Armor (Thunderbolt) with Io Fleming is also a good choice. The Full Armor Gundam excels in durability, fortified by EX skills that elevate its defense for a substantial duration. It also passively mitigates beam damage and restores HP while guarding, making it a resilient tank.
An additional benefit is its access to clan medals, making it a reliable shield for allies in arenas and raids. Particularly for beginners, obtaining this early-game tank is a wise choice. Upon transcendence, the Full Armor Gundam experiences a substantial defense boost and starts battles with a filled EX gauge, resulting in a significant increase in defense. This enhancement greatly strengthens its already impressive tanking capabilities.
Final Thoughts
This Pilot and Mobile Suit Tier List serves as an invaluable guide to help you navigate the complex world of Mobile Suits and pilots. With careful consideration of the units’ strengths, weaknesses, and roles, you can strategically assemble a squad that excels in a variety of game modes.
Remember that while tier lists offer valuable insights, your personal playstyle and the units in your collection ultimately dictate your success. Experiment with different combinations, collaborate with other players, and stay tuned for updates and new additions to the game.
What are your thoughts on our Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Engage Tier List? Let us know in the comments below!