
Best Minecraft Shield Enchantments –

In Minecraft, shields are typically not a priority for being enchanted. However, that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be enchanted—there are actually two enchantments that every good shield should have.


Best Enchantments for a Shield in Minecraft

From my experience playing Minecraft, there are two particular enchantments that should be on every piece of gear you use consistently. These two enchantments extend the lifespan of your gear by protecting and repairing its durability. This is especially important for shields, which lose durability every time they block an attack.


Mending allows an item to restore its durability by absorbing experience points. Since shields will be used mainly in battle, they’ll be able to easily consume the XP of slain enemies to repair themselves mid-battle. This means that just adding the Mending enchantment alone will drastically decrease the chances of your shield breaking during a fight.

Unbreaking III

Unbreaking gives your gear a chance to avoid losing durability when it is used. If you enchant your shield with the highest level of Unbreaking enchantment, Unbreaking III, you’ll essentially quadruple the lifespan of your shield. You’ll be able to use your shield over 1,300 times before it breaks!

By combining the two of these enchantments, you can practically guarantee that you’ll never have to make another shield again.

For more Minecraft enchantments, check out our Best Sword Enchantments in Minecraft on .


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