Alan Wake 2 brings with it a very atmospheric experience that has gone over very well with fans and critics alike — as seen in its Review. The game brings with it very engaging gameplay, an immersive story, and plenty of things to reward players by going off the beaten path and exploring the many ominous areas. One such reward comes in the form of Cult Stashes.
There are many things to keep in mind when playing the game, such as having a limited pool of resources to manage. Your inventory space is also limited and very valuable. There are 22 Cult Stashes for you to find, each with useful items within them. You should also have some charms on hand for when you need them — which can be obtained by completing Nursery Rhymes.
Alan Wake 2
- Released
- October 27, 2023
- Developer(s)
- Remedy Entertainment
Every Cult Stash In Cauldron Lake
Opening up a Cult Stash is a great way to go from under-equipped to stocked up for your next objective — so keep an eye out for collecting every cult stash. There are 22 in total — with 5 sitting in Cauldron Lake
Location |
Description |
Map |
Cauldron Lake Shore |
Look at your map to find Cauldron Lake Shore. Follow the shore south on your map, and you will see a series of “X” marks as you reach the dotted line. Head on over to the “X” on the far right side of these marks. This is one of the southernmost parts of the map. You will see a lock with 9 buttons on it. To open this stash, you simply need to mimic the sequence of the buttons that flash on the screen. There will be three in total. |
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Murder Site |
Look at your map to find the General Store. From the southwest corner of the store, head south. The Murder Site will be on your left side, but just keep heading south, and you will come to a trailer. In front of this trailer will be a campground with a table. Next to this table will be the Cult Stash. The combination will be a series of symbols, including an hourglass tilting to the left, an upright hourglass, and finally an hourglass on its side. |
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Streamside |
To open this Cult Stash, you will need the Streamside Stash Key. Look at your map to find Crow’s Foot Hills. North of this spot will be a road. As the area around the road widens, you can find the Cult Stash by heading north to the campground, and the key can be found by going south. Start by going to the Cult Stash. When you see it, turn, and you will see yellow arrows that have been placed on trees and rocks. Follow these arrows, and they will lead you straight to the key, — the final arrow will be pointing down at the key. Use this key to open the stash where the arrows started. If you are unsure of where the Cult Stash was when you initially started, just follow the arrows in reverse. |
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Private Cabin |
Look at your map to find the Private Cabin. Opposite the south wall of this building will be a railing, followed by a small dip. On the other side of this dip will be the Cult Stash. The combination to this box is 658. |
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Rental Cabins |
Look at your map to find the Rental Cabins. North of this text will be the road. From the start of this road, follow it until you are staring at the gate that leads out. Turn perpendicular to the road and look west. You will see some trees with yellow markers on them. The key for the next Cult Stash can be found at the base of the tree with the yellow “2” on it. Now head to the cabin on the south side of the Rental Cabins to find cabin number 1. Once you go inside this cabin, turn left, and you will find a door to a room with the Cult Stash inside. |
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Every Cult Stash In Watery
Watery is filled with lots of fun places to explore, but the most notable location has to be Coffee World. There are a total of 8 Cult Stashes for you to find here and some of them can be pretty tricky being so deep in the woods. Luckily, the map features different shades on it to help navigate players to their target locations.
Location |
Description |
Map |
Lighthouse Trailer Park |
Follow the road south and take the first right turn on the road. This will lead you straight to the Cult Stash. Turn right at the stash and go to the corner. There will be a plank of wood acting as a ramp that you can use to get the key for the stash. |
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Lighthouse |
South of the lighthouse will be the start of a road. Follow this road until the first turn north. There will be a patch of terrain surrounded by green. Head northwest from the road and go off the beaten path to climb your way up to the Cult Stash. The code is double vertical triangles down, double vertical triangles up, and double horizontal triangles down. |
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Coffee World |
While standing on “Coffee World” on your map, look to the right, and you will see a dark brown octagon — this is a gazebo. Head southwest from this gazebo and you will come to some teacups. Behind these teacups will be the Coffee World Stash Key — you will need this key for the next stash. After picking up the key, head to Huotari Well on your map. This stash is directly above the word “Well” and is sitting next to a tree. Use the key to open this Cult Stash. |
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Slow Roaster |
The Slow Roaster is a Ferris Wheel style attraction in the same area, Coffee World. It is decorated in lights making it easy to find. You can get to it by looking at the Gift Shop on the map and then heading through the gate to the east. Look directly at the name of this attraction, then look down to the ground and turn left. You will see the Cult Stash next to some metal railings. The code for this stash is 147. |
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Downtown |
At the southeast end of the map, you will see several docks. Go to the dock at the very right of the water. This is where the Cult Stash will be. The code is 496. |
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Kari’s Garage |
Look at your map to find the Kari’s Garage. Northwest of the logo will be where the road bends and goes between two green patches. Coming from the bottom part of the map, follow the road north while watching the east side, and you will see a tree that you can pass under and then climb up some rocks. This will lead you to the Cult Stash. This will be another 9-button lock. For this one, you will need to input one number more than the last. If you are not good at memory puzzles like this, you can just record the sequence with your phone and then re-watch the recording. |
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Kari’s Garage |
Once you have the previous stash, follow the road north and then take a left at the fork. Once you reach the end of the fork, head north, and it will take you straight to the Cult Stash. The combination for this lock is 527. Inside this box will not just be some supplies, but a new weapon in the form of the Crossbow. There is even a fun little course near this stash for you to try out your new weapon. |
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Kalevala Knights Workshop |
South of the southernmost corner of Kalevala Knights Workshop will be a split in the road — head to this split. Here you will find a gate that requires the use of the Bolt Cutters to open. Once it is open, walk to the left of the blue porta-potties. Head through the metal archway at the end of the path and then turn right. You will see a ladder against the wall, and a short distance from the ladder will be the next Cult Stash — this one’s combination is 542. |
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Every Cult Stash In Bright Falls
Bright Falls can be a little tricky with how far so many of these stashes are from any form of marker. It can be very daunting to look for a hidden collectible on your map without some means of revealing it.
Location |
Description |
Map |
Wellness Center |
While leaving the Wellness Center on the left side, follow the road until it deviates to the left. Follow this branch of the road to the end. Keep going straight off the road and you will see the stash. Turn to face the opposite direction of this stash’s lock and head downhill, you will see a tree with an arrow at the bottom of it. This arrow is pointing to the key for the stash you were just at. |
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Ranger Station |
Follow along the north side of the Ranger Station on your map. Here you will find a brick chimney. The Key for the next Cult Stash will be next to this chimney. Follow around the Ranger Station until you find the front door. Opposite this door will be some wooden stairs that will lead to some more wooden stairs. Go to the end of the bottom wooden stairs and make a right turn. Walk along the path and take a left turn onto the adjacent path. Now follow this road until you come to the next right turn. Head along this road and then head to the inside of the dark patch on the map. Walk along the ledge of this path and you will come to the Cult Stash. |
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Wellness Center |
Open your map back up and follow the road again, heading west. The road will merge with another road. Following the road will have light brown surrounding it on the map. However, you will see a dark brown patch. Leave the road, going right and following along the dark brown patch upward. Before the ledge will be a tree with a yellow arrow on it. Below this tree is a Cult Stash with a drawing of a light bulb on it. The combination is the two triangles pointing away from one another, horizontal triangles down, hourglass. |
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Bright Falls |
Look at your map for Bunkers Woods. Head west along the road until the fork. Take the right path up to a looped road. The Cult Stash can be located at the top of this loop. This is another beeping lock that will have you need to memorize 5 numbers this time. |
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The Factory |
Head south of the previous stash, following the river on your left-hand side. When you get to the end of the map, turn to face west and start walking. You will find a broken-down truck with the Cult Stash in the back of this truck. The combination to open this lock will be 177. |
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Elderwood Palace Lodge |
Look for the Elderwood Palace Lodge on your map. Go to the south side of this location, opposite the side with the blue circle icon that has a car inside it. You will find a large white truck that will have the Cult Stash next to it. This is another one of the beeping locks that will need you to remember the pattern that flashes. This one will have a total of six buttons you will need to press in the same order it beeps. Another tip on how to remember the sequence is to assign each button a number from 1 to 9, then say them out loud as it beeps. Then to say them out a gain as you input the same places. |
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Oh Deer Diner |
Stand on the west wall of the Oh Deer Diner building. Head north on the map while watching the left side. You will see a wooden door with a lock on it. You will once again need the Bolt Cutters to cut the lock off this door. Once you push the door open, walk forward while watching your left side to see the Cult Box on the ground. The combination is double horizontal triangles pointing up, triangles pointing away from the middle, and double vertical triangles pointing up. |
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Harbor Street |
Head south of Harbor Street and you will find a gate with a lock on it. You will once again need to use the Bolt Cutters to open this gate — just like you opened the wooden door of the previous entry. Once it is open, you can walk along a path with water on both sides of it. Open the first door on the right and walk into this building. You can find the Cult Stash in the corner of this building. The combination for this one will be 697. |
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Every Cult Stash In Sheriff’s Station
There is only one stash to be found in this location, and it will come much later in the game. You will come to this location by just progressing through the story, so no need to go out of your way to hunt this one down until you get the Sheriff’s Station Key.
Location |
Description |
Map |
Evidence Room |
Once you enter the station, turn left and go around the corner on the right-hand side. This will lead you to a dead end with a door on the left side. Head to the bottom of the stairs and turn right at the first door. This will lead you to a gate that you’ll need to use the Bolt Cutters on to open. Inside this room will be the cult stash — which can be opened by using 146 as the combination. |
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