Throughout the story of Alan Wake 2, you will encounter several overlaps. Overlaps are a type of portal that takes you to another world attached to your investigating location. These overlaps play a crucial part in the story of the game. You will meet several characters, reveal mysteries, and find some essential items from these overlaps.
One such overlap is The Valhalla Nursing Home Overlap which you will encounter during Return Chapter 5: Old Gods while playing as Saga in Alan Wake 2. As with other overlaps, you must collect and perform specific tasks to open the overlap. Once the overlap is opened, you can enter inside to progress with the story.
Alan Wake 2
- Released
- October 27, 2023
- Developer(s)
- Remedy Entertainment
How To Enter The Valhalla Nursing Home Overlap
You must enter the overlap while chasing after Tor in the Valhalla Nursing Home. To get inside the overlap, you have to play the Angers Remorse records on the jukebox in the Wellness Centre which will open the Overlap inside the pond.
How To Get Rose’s Keyfob
After completing the Talk to the Andersens objective and exiting the Wellness Center, you will encounter a cutscene showing Tor entering the overlap. This will start the new objective, Rescue Tor From The Overlap. After the cutscene ends, talk with Rose on a bench near the pond. Rose will lie to you at first.
Use the line “Wake has returned” after profiling Rose and discovering more of her secrets. This will persuade her to give you the key fob. These keys will be important in opening the Wellness center’s locks as you keep looking for the other clues for the Overlap.
You will discover that Overlap’s key is an Old Gods of Asgard record after getting Rose’s keyfob. You can get some idea about the record location by profiling Odin. He will reveal that Tor kept the record in the Nursing Home’s museum. However, upon reaching the museum on the second floor, you will discover that the Anger’s Remorse Record is now gone and is currently in possession of Cynthia.
How To Get The Fuse

Upon profiling Cynthia, you will get the exact location of the Anger’s Remorse record. It is in Cynthia’s room, in her bathtub. So you must find a way to enter Cynthia’s room to get the record. However, the power will go off whenever you attempt to enter the room, failing your attempt to enter with the keyfob. To fix this, you must find the fuse and place it in the generator to keep the power up.
The fuse is located in the basement of the Valhalla Nursing Home. Exit through the gate near the pond and go left. You can either take down the taken or just ignore them and go straight down to the basement. Just opposite the bridge, you will find stairs that lead to the basement.
Keep going forward till you have to cross below a wooden beam. From there, turn left, and you will find a sewer-like passage. Keep going forward, then turn right, taking you to a room.
Inside that room, you will see a locked red box atop a black crate. The code to open this padlock is 273.
The code is posted on the notice board beyond the laundry room. You can enter the laundry room through the immediate left entrance to the box with the fuse.
Once you have found the fuse, go back through the path you came from. Enter the break room, and then place the fuse in the generator. This will turn on the power. Now, you can head towards Cynthia’s room to get the Anger’s Remorse record.
How To Get Anger’s Remorse Record

If you have completed everything till now, and the profiling of Odin and Cynthia, you don’t have to do much to get the record. Head inside the Wellness Centre and go to Cynthia’s room on the third floor. Use Rose’s keyfob to open the door to Cynthia’s room.
You can investigate Cynthia’s room to discover more information about Cynthia, the Dark Presence, and things useful for your investigation.
Go to Cynthia’s bathroom, pointing your torch toward the bathtub to destroy the orb. You will then be able to collect the Anger’s Remorse by Old Gods of Asgard record. Now take the record and play it on the Jukebox near the exit. This will open the Overlap.
You will now be entering the Valhalla Nursing Home Overlap to rescue Tor. While inside the Overlap, make sure to get the Boltcutter inside the Overlap. The Boltcutter can be useful to visit locked areas and gain valuable items.