Once you move out of the Meadows in Lightyear Frontier you’ll start to uncover mysterious ruins that can reveal strange new crafting recipes. Read on to discover all 21 artifact locations you need to find in Edge Cliffs, along with a map to each spot.
Lightyear Frontier – All Artifact Locations in Edge Cliffs

The artifacts you need are spread across two locations, each of the ancient ruins earning you a recipe you can use after setting up your base. The artifacts to the east are relatively simple to find, but the ones to the west are much trickier to collect.
Artifacts 1-7

Once you’ve collected these seven artifacts you’ll receive the Strange Chair recipe. This otherwordly chair needs two Noxious Spores and two Stone to build and counts as a furniture decoration.
Move to the area marked on the map above, which looks like a large circular stone floor feature. You can’t miss Artifacts 1-5 as they’re on the stone circle itself. If you haven’t dealt with any of these before, you need to hammer the purple glowing rock a couple of times first and then pick up the artifact. It doesn’t appear in your inventory as an item, but you can see the progress you’ve made on the map for Edge Cliffs.
Artifact 6 is behind the small remaining piece of wall with a purple pattern. The seventh is just under the rock on the very edge of the stone pattern (I’ve marked them both in the image above). I found I needed to get out of the mech and tackle Artifact 7 by hand, as the mech couldn’t quite get close enough.
Artifacts 8-21

Getting the remaining 14 artifacts involves finding and entering a cave in the west of the region. Once collected, you will receive the Strange Signpost recipe, another decoration that you’ll need two Noxious Spores and two Aluminum Rods to craft.
To get to the entrance to the cave I suggest moving to the position I’ve shown above and following the path directly ahead of you. Follow the path as it turns right, with the hill to your right, until you get to the entrance. I suggest leaving the mech outside and going in on foot.

As you enter the cave you can turn left or right. Head right and you’ll see number 8 in plain sight on the path ahead. Just past it is a deep pool with stepping stones along the right wall. Run and jump across to the other side. Turn left immediately and follow the pool edge until you get to the waterfall. Walk along the edge there, jump through the gap in the wall, and Artifact 21 is there (see the location above).

Artifacts 9-12 are all in the large area just across the stepping stones, on either side of the dividing wall, largely in plain sight. Artifact 13 is up the ramp pictured above, while Artifact 14 is underneath it.

For Artifact 15, you’ll need to climb up the tree root that’s directly opposite the last jump you made to get across the stepping stones (see image above). Once you’ve got them all, head back towards the cave entrance.

Artifacts 16-19 are all in the room you’ll discover if you turn left from the entrance. These are all easy to find as long as you look behind all the walls and rocks in this small area. Artifact 20 is on the roof opposite the cave entrance as you come in. If you’re facing into the caves from the entrance, climb the root on the right (see above) of the entrance and then jump onto the roof to find it.
For more on Lightyear Frontier here at check out How to earn money quickly in Lightyear Frontier!