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If you want to buy and sell items in Palworld, you’ll want to track down the nearest Merchant. Several Merchants are scattered around the map, wandering or static, and we have all their locations below!
All Merchant locations in Palworld
There are a few different kinds of Merchants you can find around the map: Merchants, Wandering Merchants, and Pal Merchants/Black Marketeers. Merchants and Wandering Merchants will sell you supplies and gear, while Pal Merchants and Black Marketeers can sell you Pals.
Merchants and Wandering Merchants Locations

Take a look at the map above to see where all the Merchants can be found. Wandering Merchants, unlike regular Merchants, will travel around to nearby spots, occasionally stopping by your base. You can purchase supply items from them, like schematics, food, and some materials. Check out their full inventories here:
Merchant/Wandering Merchant Inventory
Item | Price |
Berry Seeds | 50 |
Wheat Seeds | 100 |
Bone | 100 |
Leather | 150 |
Wool | 100 |
Wheat | 100 |
Milk | 50 |
Egg | 50 |
Red Berries | 50 |
Horn | 300 |
Electric Organ | 200 |
Flame Organ | 100 |
Venom Gland | 100 |
Medical Supplies | 800 |
Low-Grade Medical Supplies | 240 |
High-Grade Medical Supplies | 3,000 |
Pal Sphere | 120 |
Arrow | 5 |
Bowler Hat Schematic 1 | 500 |
Tocotoco Cap Schematic 1 | 500 |
Gumoss Cap Schematic 1 | 500 |
Penking Cap Schematic 1 | 500 |
Farming Hat Schematic 1 | 500 |
Witch Hat Schematic 1 | 500 |
Long-Eared Headband Schematic 1 | 500 |
Pal Merchant and Black Market Locations

Pal Merchants and Black Marketeers are NPCs you can purchase Pals and sell Pals to. Despite it seeming shady, there are no repercussions to doing so; it will just cost a pretty penny to get these rare Pals rather than catching them. Take a look at all their locations above and see their full inventories listed here:
Pal | Price |
Beegrade | 4,794 |
Chillet | 10,350 |
Dumund | 11,959 |
Galeclaw | 6,030 |
Incineram | 11,472 |
Jolthog Cryst | 3,049 |
Killamari | 3,420 |
Ribbunny | 2,958 |
Robinquil | 4,612 |
Relaxaurus | 29,184 |
Nox | 4,440 |
Vaelet | 5,586 |
If you’re looking to spend some money, these are the NPCs you’ll want to find around the map, especially if you’re running low on food or essential materials and can’t seem to craft or find any. We hope these locations helped you track them down a bit easier!
Looking for more Palworld content? Check out our guides on How to fast travel in Palworld or Best Pals to get first in Palworld!