In Hogwarts Legacy, you will have plenty of side quests to complete, and one of them is a Moth to a Frame quest. Locating the Moth pictures and returning their moths will earn you rewards toward your Field Guide challenges and here’s how to locate each one easily in-game.
Where to find all the Moth to the Frame picture locations in Hogwarts Legacy
These moth pictures are hidden all around Hogwarts and outer locations, waiting for their moths to be returned to them. Shining your Lumos light into the picture will reveal an image for you to track down a moth and return it to the frame. Since there isn’t a clear local map, you’ll want to really pay attention to your compass and utilize your Revelio as much as possible to help find them. Here are all the locations to look for:
All Hogwarts Moth to the Frame Locations in Hogwarts Legacy
Central Hall Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

The Central Hall location is where you will begin the side quest with Lenora, who will claim she’s been trying to figure it out and ask for your assistance. The picture is hanging on the wall just opposite the library entrance and to the left of the central fountain. If you haven’t yet taken the side quest, Lenora will still be standing in front of it. The missing moth is just straight down and to the left under the staircase.
Library Location Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

You can find another moth picture on the second floor of the library. It is tucked away into the upper right corner. Since there are so many bookcases and rows, it helps to use Revelio to locate it a bit easier. You don’t need to wander far to locate its missing moth either. You need to look for the large portrait on the opposite side of the upper floor, and the moth will be on the podium in front of it.
Great Hall Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

This picture is located just right outside The Great Hall. If you use the Floo to teleport to The Great Hall, you will find it just inside the corridor before, under the large Hogwarts banner. The picture will reveal the moth is just a little further inside The Great Hall on the Headmaster’s podium.
Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

You’ll find another frame on the wall directly inside the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower. This a long and winding staircase of floors and can be a bit confusing. The best way to find the frame is to quickly travel using Floo to the DADA Tower, and you’ll pretty much be right in front of it. It’s located straight and to the left of the Floo teleport. The moth, according to the picture, is located on the column just outside Professor Fig’s Classroom.
North Hall History of Magic Classroom Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

You can find this moth picture by first heading to the History of Magic classroom. Take the Floo to the Bell Tower Courtyard and then navigate up the left stairs and through the doors until you come to the North Hall. From the History of Magic classroom, the picture is located up the staircase opposite the door and on the wall.
The picture reveals a large window and the sphinx statue nearby. Head back down the stairs and into the History of Magic Classroom. You’ll need to have Alohomora to unlock the door behind the professor’s desk. Once through the locked door, take a right and you’ll see the sphinx statue. The moth is on a plant vase in the corner beside it.
Slytherin Dungeons Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

You’ll find another frame down in the Slytherin Dungeons. To get to the frame, travel to Viaduct Courtyard, climb the steps, and head into the entrance hall. Go immediately right and enter the door behind the pig statue. Follow the stairs down. At the bottom, go right, then left. And before the archway is the frame on your left.
From the frame, head left, then right up the corridor. Keep going up the corridor, and take the second left until you see a painting on your right. The moth is next to the painting.
Bottom of Ravenclaw Tower Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Another frame can be found at the bottom of Ravenclaw Tower. If you have the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, head left, pass the Animal Symbol door on your right, and go down the stairs. At the bottom is the frame.
If not, teleport to the Central Hall Floo Flame. From there, climb the stairs, and stop before the big door leading to the bridge with the brazier puzzle. At the door go right, and climb the stairs on the right, then again on your left until you can exit a door on your left. Go over the small bridge, and the frame is in the room.
To find the moth, head up the stairs opposite the frame, leading back to the Animal Symbol door. At the top of the stairs, in front of you on your right is the moth.
Astronomy Tower Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

This frame is located in the Astronomy Tower. If you have the Astronomy Tower Floo Flames unlocked, just head on up the stairs. At the top, you’ll see a suit of armor before an archway. Go through the archway but look to your left to find the frame.
The moth is located just a bit further up the staircase at the very top of the Astronomy Tower. Once you reach the top, look to the left toward the chalkboard, and you will find the moth.
West Tower Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

You’ll find this moth picture while heading toward the West Tower through the Pungent Passage. As you enter the door to the hallway, look to the right on the wall, and you’ll find the picture frame. It will reveal a picture of a centaur tapestry.
Keep heading down the hall to the West Tower Floo and look left. You’ll see the large centaur tapestry on the wall, and the moth is right on it.
Viaduct Courtyard Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

The easiest way to find this frame is to travel to the Viaduct Courtyard Floo. Once there, continue straight and to the right along the stone wall until you come to the werewolf statue. Turn to the right and ascend one set of stairs to see the moth picture hanging there.
To find the moth shown in this picture, you’ll need to head back toward the Floo location. When you’re at the Floo, continue up two sets of stairs to the right, and you’ll see an archway to your left where a mermaid-like horse statue is tucked away. The moth is right on the wall beside it.
Potions Classroom Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Use the Potions Classroom Floo, enter the door leading inside, and then head down the spiral staircase past the classroom entrance. Continue all the way to the bottom to find a House Cabinet and, beside it, a locked door. Use Alohomora to unlock the door and then continue into the hallway. As you head through the hall, you’ll locate the frame on the right side.
To find the moth, continue through the hallway until you get to the room with the troll displays. On the right side of the room, the moth is resting on the top of the troll display.
Trophy Room Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

From the Trophy Room Floo Flame, head through the Trophy Room until you locate the metal gate leading further up the stairs. Ascend up through the metal gate and up all the stairs and the spiral staircase until you reach the entrance to the Headmaster’s Office. The Frame will be just to the right of the entrance.
To find the moth, walk back down the spiral staircase until you come to the bottom, where there is a wooden archway. The moth is resting on the top of the archway for you to grab with Lumos.
Hogwarts North Exit Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Take the Hogwarts North Exit Floo, turn around, and head right back into the gate. Once you walk through the gate, turn to your left. There will be a shed directly in front of you. Enter the shed and then locate the locked door in front of you. Use Alohomora to unlock the level one lock, and the moth picture is directly to your right on the wall.
The picture reveals a tower. To find the moth, head back out of the shed and take a left toward the tower. Walk past the stairs and lower tower door. Climb over the low stone wall, and the moth is clinging to the outer wall of the tower.
Clock Tower Courtyard Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Take the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo and head to the locked door on the right side of the large gate. Use Alohomora to unlock it and head inside the storage room to find the frame on the wall to the right.
To find the moth, head back out into the courtyard and then exit out of the gate into the outside courtyard. Immediately take a right and through the stone archway, and you’ll find the moth clinging to the stone walls in the right corner.
Gryffindor Tower Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Take the Clock Tower Courtyard Floo, then turn and head through the door right beside the Floo Flame. Walk across the outside bridge and enter the Gryffindor Tower. Directly to your left will be a large map. Use Depulso to hit the button above it and open a door into a storage area. The Moth frame will be in the far left corner.
To find the moth, exit out of the map room and take a left down the staircase. Follow the corridor around the corner to the left and then enter the first door on your left. The moth will be on the towel rack in the girl’s bathroom.
All Hogsmeade Moth to the Frame Locations in Hogwarts Legacy
Water Wheel Hogsmeade Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogsmeade has plenty of goodies to discover, including some hidden moth pictures. These ones are a bit lower to the ground, but you can still easily locate them using Revelio and looking for that blue outline. You’ll find one on the northeast side of Hogsmeade at the building with the water wheel. The picture will reveal a lamp post just down the path from the building where you can find its moth.
Hog’s Head Alley Hogsmeade Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

You’ll find another frame tucked away in Hogsmeade toward the lower southeastern side. If you head toward Hog’s Head and walk around the back of the buildings to Hog’s Head Alley, you’ll find the picture leaning against the building.
Climb over the stone fence and head toward the right to find a house with a dock stretching out behind it. You’ll see the large barrels against the side of it, which matches up with the picture, and you can find the moth there.
Dogweed & Deathcap Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

This hidden frame is located in the Dogweed & Deathcap shop on the northwestern side of Hogsmeade toward the outskirts. You can locate it by the mushroom icon shown on your map. As soon as you enter the shop, look to the right, and it’s leaning against some planters.
The picture reveals a chimney peeking over a hill. To find the moth, exit the shop and immediately back your way around the side to the back exterior of the shop. You’ll need to climb up some rocks and a slight hill. Once you spot the chimney, the moth is clinging to the side of it for you to grab with Lumos.
South Hogsmeade Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

From the South Hogsmeade Floo Flame, turn to your right, and you’ll find the moth frame behind the house with the red wheelbarrow. The picture reveals a scene slightly outside of Hogsmeade with a stone fence.
To find the moth, turn around walk down the steps, and follow the path leading away from the town. Turn left around the corner of houses, and you’ll find it just past an eye-chest on the stone fence behind one of the houses.
The Old Fool Abandoned House Moth to the Frame Location in Hogwarts Legacy

This frame is located in the abandoned house, The Old Fool, on the upper north side of Hogsmeade. It is just left of Dogweed & Deathcap shop, slightly further out from town. You’ll need to use Alohomora level one to unlock the door, and then you’ll find it hanging on a wall to your right.
To find the moth, walk back out of the house and walk to your left all the way around to the back of the house. You’ll notice the rocky cliffside matching the picture and spot the moth resting on it.
These are all twenty of the moth picture locations. Completing these challenges is a great way to earn unique rewards for your character and discover new locations and secrets around the world.
Looking for more Hogwarts Legacy content? Check out our guides on How to earn money/money glitch in Hogwarts Legacy or Hogwarts Legacy Merlin Trials – All Puzzles and Solutions.