Image via SgtOkiDoki, Vilaskis, and TheLiquidHorse
BattleBit Remastered has a plethora of weapon options and customizations, which mostly leaves players baffled about what to choose. In this tier list, we’ll tackle the best weapons in Battlebit Remastered.
All BattleBit Remastered Weapons Tier List
Tier | BattleBit Weapon |
S | AK74, FAL, KRISS Vector, M4A1, MP7, P90, FAMAS, F2000 |
A | M200, Glock 18, ACR, L86A1, MG36, Groza, HK419, MP5, MK 20, Mk 14 EBR, UMP-45, Remington MSR, Scorpion Evo, SV-98 |
B | AK15, AS Val, Desert Eagle, G36C, Honey Badger, L96, M110, PP-2000, SSG 69, SVD, FN Scar-H, Unica |
C | AK5C, AUG A3, M249, M9, MP-443, PP-19, REM700, RSH12, SG 550, Ultimax 100 |
Best Weapons in BattleBit Remastered, ranked
S Tier Weapons in BattleBit Remastered
No matter what game you play (unless it’s some first-person shooter with laser guns), Kalashnikov is still the best assault rifle in the world. AK-74 is an improved version of the infamous AK-47 (my favorite gun in Counter-Strike.)
Patch 2.2.2 added a plethora of buffs to the AK-74 while only nerfing its reload speed and horizontal recoil. It now has slightly better damage, lower vertical recoil, faster fire rate, and faster ADS time, meaning you can get an elimination with a lower time-to-kill compared to the previous patch. This stays on top of the tier list, as it’s one of the best weapons you can unlock early in Battlebit Remastered.
The FAMAS finally got a much-needed buff in patch 2.2.2; hence, I put the weapon up there in the S tier. It got a hefty damage increase, better bullet velocity, lower horizontal recoil, and faster ADS time. The only thing preventing it from becoming the best weapon is its low ammo count. It also now has a TTK time rivaling the AK-74.
The F2000 is also similar to the FAMAS and the P90. It’s lightweight, and with the buff it received from Patch 2.2.2, it’s now in a similar place to the other two guns. All three of them are interchangeable in the tier list; it’s only a matter of preference.
I was initially going to put this weapon in the A-tier, but upon seeing the buffs in play, I instantly changed my mind. The F2000 is a solid and early-unlock gun if your playstyle revolves around quick mobility and low TTKs.
A Tier Weapons in BattleBit Remastered
M200 (CheyTac Intervention)
If you’re looking for the best sniper rifle in BattleBit Remastered, you need the M200. While it is arguably the best long-range gun in the game, it’s not easy to acquire it. You must reach Rank 100 to unlock the M200 sniper. But even when you do have it, don’t expect world domination from the start: this is a sniper rifle, and getting used to its firing rate and aiming takes some time.
I took this down to A-tier because snipers got nerfed in patch 2.2.2. You can now ping snipers and put a tag on them for around eight seconds, which is double the duration of a regular ping (four seconds) if you’re using the non-recon classes.
The ACR has been very underwhelming since Battlebit’s release; however, it’s now a decent alternative for assault rifles. I tested the weapon with an NT-4 556 barrel and a Magpul Angled underbarrel, and the result spoke for itself. Although the damage is low compared to other ARs in the S tier, it still stands as one of the easiest guns to spray down your enemies due to its lower recoil.
MP5 is one of the best submachine guns in the game. This weapon gives you everything you need from an SMG as it has solid mid-range accuracy and doesn’t slow you down. While more powerful weapons exist, few combine effectiveness and mobility like the MP5.
Glock 18
No matter your main weapon, a good pistol is always a good option—especially true if you face the enemy at close range and must act fast. The Glock 18 is an automatic pistol with 16 rounds per magazine and a quick firing rate, so you’ll want to make it part of your BattleBit Remastered weapon loadout.
The L86A1 is now stronger due to the buffs of patch 2.2.2. It now has support for the bipod attachment, increased human and vehicle damage, insanely fast bullet velocity, lower ADS time, and slightly better mobility. You can expect value out of the L86A1 when you’re in a bunker situation, like in the Wakistan map.
The RPK16 reminds me of the AK-74’s little brother, the AKM, with a bigger mag. If the RPK16 were in the category of ARs, I’d instantly switch to this weapon due to its innate power, move speed, and recoil control. The only reason the RPK16 is in A-tier is because it’s exclusive to the support class; the class exclusivity for the RPK16 hinders it from reaching its full potential, unlike the AK-74.
B Tier Weapons in BattleBit Remastered
Desert Eagle
While this is technically a pistol, it deals 90 damage and can pierce light armor, so it’s more of a one-handed cannon. On the other hand, its fire rate is abysmal, making it very hard to hit a moving target at close-range. But if you’re proficient enough, you can succeed on the battlefield with it.
Scar-H is the definition of a solid rifle. It’s a decent gun for beginners, dealing solid damage (42) while allowing you to run almost as though you’re unarmed. However, there are other options better than the Scar-H, especially if you’re running the Assault class.
C Tier Weapons in BattleBit Remastered
The Remington Model 700 is a reliable sniper if you’re focused on light-armored enemies (those with heavy armor are too much of a challenge for it). While the damage output is respectable (65), it has a somewhat slow reload time (3.47 seconds). I only recommend using the REM700 if you want to practice sniping while ranking up to get the M200.
Ultimax 100
I was never a fan of light machine guns, as they’re slow with so-so accuracy at best. But if you want to spray damage, this LMG is OMG! The Ultimax 100 has 100 rounds per magazine (as the name suggests), so keeping enemies at a distance is easy. But if they’re too close or too far, you’re done. Because of that, always try to be close to your allies, as the Utimax 100 is first and foremost a support weapon.
Even though the bullet velocity of the Ultimax 100 got buffed in Patch 2.2.2, its brothers in the LMG category left it in dust due to their more controllable accuracy and better damage.
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