Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 offers a wide selection of weapons that you can customize in Multiplayer, however, in the Campaign you’ll only get to use pre-kitted guns.
Best Guns to find in Modern Warfare 3 Campaign
Throughout the Modern Warfare 3 story, you’ll get to use numerous custom guns that come pre-equipped with attachments suitable for the mission you’re playing. I’ve compiled a list of weapons that I enjoyed using the most during the Campaign playthrough.
Silenced MTZ-556 Assault Rifle

During Operation 627, the very first mission in the MW3 Campaign, you sneak inside Verdansk’s Gulag prison complex with the hybrid-scope equipped, suppressed MTZ-556 AR.
Silenced Holger 556 Assault Rifle
You can pick up the Holger 556 suppressed AR from the small structure at the west end of the explorable area (see second image for map) during the Reactor mission. Drop your M4 for this fully-kitted, thermal optic attached gun if you planning a stealth approach for this Open Combat Mission.
Minigun LMG
If you looking for supreme firepower during the Reactor mission, grab the Minigun from the tower building to the south-east. You’ll first have to reach the top of the tower from outside and shoot the chair blocking the entrance from there to gain access to the supply box.
Price’s EBR-14 Semi-Auto Rifle

Captain Price brings his EBR-14 Marksman Rifle for the Payload mission in the Urzikstan mountains. The weapon is kitted with a suppressor for stealth and a zoom-toggle optic for adjusting sight-picture as per the range of the target.
Farah’s Striker 9 SMG

During the Crash Site mission, you’ll bring this beautiful Striker SMG equipped with a suppressor and hybrid scope.
Crossbow Semi-Auto Rifle
In the same Crash Site mission, you can pick up the Crossbow from the supply box located to the west (second image). While being stealthy, you can also get one-hit kills on armored enemies if you get headshots.
Melina’s Gold Kastov 545 Assault Rifle
Go to Melina Romanova’s garage at the north end of the map during the Oligarch mission. Next to her car collection, you find a Kastov 545 with gold camo, hybrid optic, and underbarrel grenade launcher.
Melina’s Gold Akimbo .50 GS Pistols
You can also find the gold dual-wield Desert Eagle handguns during the same mission inside Melina’s bedroom on the second floor of her mansion.
Silenced M16 Assault Rifle
The Gora Dam mission is best played with a stealth approach, however, you don’t deploy with a suppressed weapon initially. I found a suppressor-equipped M16 AR on the roof of the building at the east end of the map (second image). Just change the firing mode to single-fire from burst and you’ll be ready for battle.
Stay tuned to for more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone content. In the meantime, head over to our article on Modern Warfare 3 – Who holds power in the gulag? Answered.