The latest One Peace BitLife challenge demands players to become the most notorious pirate on the sea, similar to the lore of the hit anime One Piece. To achieve this, you start by creating a character out of Brazil and then move on to assemble your super team.
How to finish the One Peace Challenge in BitLife
To finish the challenge, you must complete the following tasks in any order.
- Be born a male in Brazil
- Befriend a man from Japan
- Befriend a woman from Norway
- Pirate 5+ porches
- Own a Pirate Ship
How to born a male in Brazil
We must create a character out of Brazil to kick off the One Peace challenge. Click on the New Life option from the main menu to start creating your character. Pick male as the starting gender and a city from Brazil as your birthplace to finish the first objective.
How to befriend a man from Japan
Moving on to the next objective, we must befriend a man from Japan. The only way to do this is to move to Japan. After reaching 18, use the Emigrate option from the Activities to travel to Japan. Get a job in Japan and try to befriend a male from your office circle.
Once you have found a suitable person, use several activities like spending time, gifting, and complimenting to increase your relationship meter before making them your ally.
How to Befriend a Woman from Norway
The next step is to befriend a Woman from Norway. Similar to the last objective, migrate to Norway from Japan and take a job. Find a female colleague to befriend and repeat the steps like the previous one.
How to pirate porche in BitLife
The next step is to pirate 5+ porches. Though it’s the fourth objective in the One Pace challenge, you can complete this while growing up in Brazil. After turning 11, visit the Crimes tab under the Activities section and select the Pirate Porch option. Loot the mail of five other individuals to complete the particular quest.
Even if you don’t finish the objective while growing up, complete it in Norway or any other country.
How to Own a Pirate Ship
The final objective is to own a Pirate Ship. This one is challenging to complete as the Pirate Ship does not appear very easily in the catalog book of any Vehicle Dealers. It took me 15 years to find a ship from my local dealer in Norway. Also, it is expensive to own a Pirate Ship, as it costs around 8 million dollars. So, save up some money before you begin your hunt for your pirate ship. Remember, you can only purchase a ship or water-based vehicle without obtaining a Boat License.
For more on BitLife, check out How to make friends in Bitlife or How to buy and sink a Yacht in BitLife on .