The Raving Lunar-tic challenge demands players to become an alcoholic and an astronaut at the same time. This unique twist is a combination that is challenging but not hard to achieve. So, to complete the challenge, you must first purchase the Astronauts Job pack and then follow the given steps.
All Objectives to complete the Raving Lunar-tic Challenge in BitLife
To finish the challenge, you must complete the following tasks in any order.
Note:- Please purchase the Jobs pack from the game store for $10(depending on region), as the entire challenge revolves around the Astronaut Job pack.
How to be born in Oregon
To begin, we need to create a character out of Oregon. Since BitLife does not allow us to select a state as a birthplace, we must pick a city inside the state to finish the objective. So, pick something like Portland, a town inside the Oregon state, to complete the first objective while customizing your character.
How to become an astronaut
After making a character out of Oregon, the next task is to become an astronaut. To become one, study well from a young age and keep your smarts stat above 90. Once you turn 18, take a part-time job and enroll for a STEM degree. I would suggest you go for something like Physics or Mathematics. Still, it’s up to your preference. Also, joining a part-time job is necessary to fund your pilot and cadet training.
Once you have $50000 in your bank account, apply for the Pilot training from the License section under the Activities tab. Obtain the license by answering a few questions related to flying. Immediately, go to the Special Careers under the Jobs pack and start your Cadet training. Finish all three- Fitness, Flight, and Technical Training with 100% ratings to qualify as an Astronaut.
How to drink at the club 5+ times
This objective is pretty straightforward and can be completed during your college years. For this, simply click on the Nightlife option under the Activities tab and go for clubbing. Keep going to the club repeatedly until you receive more than five drinks for free. It will take anywhere from 4 to 7 years to finish the objective. Also, by this time, the game will declare you as an alcohol addict.
How to maintain an alcohol addiction
This particular task is nothing but a continuation of the last objective. Just keep clubbing until you die and accept drinks from strangers inside the bar/club to maintain your alcohol addiction.
How to retrieve 2+ Lunar artifacts while addicted to alcohol
The final quest in the Raving Lunar-Tic challenge is to retrieve or collect two or more lunar artifacts while being an alcohol addict. If you have been following until now, the game would have declared you as an alcohol addict. So, the only thing remaining is to go on lunar explorations and get some cool stuff from the planet. Go to the Missions section under your Astronauts Activities tab and pick the Lunar exploration option. During your expedition, the game will automatically indicate to collect stuff. So, retrieve two artifacts to finish the entire challenge.
For more on BitLife, check out How to go on Lunar Exploration in BitLife or How to Buy a Lamborghini in BitLife? on .