In the spring of 2015, urban simulation fans woke up in heaven – Cities Skylines went on sale and was instantly dubbed the “SimCity of a healthy man.” And in fact: in addition to extensive features Cities Skylines had the main thing – the scale, allowing to build a really real metropolis with all the accompanying infrastructure. Not surprisingly, the project became very popular (on the scale of the genre, of course), and seven years and three months later its sales reached the mark of 12 million copies.

It’s important to remember that it’s the number of copies sold in the video below that we’re talking about. Since Cities Skylines has been a member of several free-to-play giveaways, the number of direct game owners and, as a result, the user base could be much higher.
Be that as it may, even 12 million copies is a respectable result for a game in the genre of urban simulation: far from being the most popular in the modern community of gamers.