The variety of weapons available for players to try out has always been a staple of the Call of Duty franchise, and Call Of Duty Mobile is no exception. While submachine guns currently dominate the COD: Mobile meta, that doesn’t mean other weapon classes aren’t represented. Sniper rifles, for example, remain an excellent choice in the right hands, capable of excelling in both standard multiplayer and battle royale game modes. Out of the wide range of Sniper weapons, here we offer you the “Best Sniper weapon in COD Mobile” that can surely help you go on a long-lasting win streak.
What are the best Sniper weapons in COD Mobile
Sniper rifles and marksman rifles are two distinct weapon classes in COD: Mobile but here we have grouped them together because they serve the same purpose once players are in the lobby.
1. ZRG 20mm
In COD Mobile, the ZRG 20mm is a sniper rifle that deals high damage, has a fast bullet travel speed, is very accurate, and can be used to eliminate targets at any distance. The ZRG 20mm checks all of the boxes for being the best sniper rifle in Battle Royale and Multiplayer.
2. DL Q33
Undoubtedly one of the best snipers in the game in the game. DLQ33 has a very long-range hitting ability built-in with it. This comes along with and great damage that it causes to the enemies.
Not only that, the movement speed of DLQ33 can be a serious threat and also can be increased with lightweight attachment. Also, this deadly sniper has a great hit flinch and accuracy that eases the task to knock out enemies.
3. SKS
Excellent fire rate for a 20-round mag marksman is what SKS is known for. However, it is not a one-shot one-kill weapon.
But it is the fire rate of SKS that backs out that stat. Easy to control and has a quick reloading feature in-built in this gun. Laser and Muzzle attachment is recommended to use for better accuracy and range.
4. HDR
The HDR is a high-damage bolt action sniper rifle introduced in COD: Mobile with the Season 3 ‘Rush’ update. It is a fantastic weapon that players can use to take out other players from afar with a single hit, hold a position, and do a variety of other things depending on the map and the situation.
5. XPR-50
This Sniper Rifle has quite some recoil in it. The damage is low, as it takes a minimum of 2 shots to eliminate the enemy. Mobility and control are worse. This sniper is also not accurate enough for long-range.
6. Koshka
With a faster aim down sight time and firing rate than the Rytec AMR, there is no denying that the one-shot kill Koshka is the Ultimate Sniper Rifle for enthusiasts. While the Rytec AMR may boast the highest amount of damage among the Sniper Rifles, it does suffer from a very slow aim-down sight time and rate of fire.
7. SVD
This sniper is pretty similar to SKS, except that it has low recoil. For a sniper that spits, its fire rate is better when compared to its own type.
The damage rate is decent in long-range, a barrel attachment is suggested. A great option for Battle Royale and for long-range matches in Multiplayer, the SVD weapon perfectly places itself in this list.
8. Rytec AMR
This Sniper has very well-performing stats in Battle Royale. This sniper allows great damage and also provides extra damage with its explosive thermite bullet, as it sets the enemy on fire. Mods can be equipped to increase their performance rate. One huge drawback of this sniper is its uncontrollable vertical recoil.
9. Locus
Damage on this Sniper is a little low compared to other snipers. It has got a good range and recoil.
Movement speed is decent for Locus. Surprisingly, this epic sniper has a quick ADS in the game. Great for small maps as well as the larger maps in COD Mobile. Laser attachment should be equipped for good accuracy for this gun.
10. SP-R 208
This rifle has insane damage and quick ADS speed. With excellent control and mobility, this marksman is great for all multiplayer games and also for Battle Royale, where it can be used as a secondary weapon with an optic attachment.
What is your opinion about the Top 10 best Sniper weapons in COD Mobile? Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, we’ll make sure to reply to everyone.