
Convictions and Alignments Guide – Rogue Trader

Convictions are the Morality system featured in Rogue Trader and can dictate much from equipment and dialogue options. Luckily, I made this guide that will explain all Convictions and Alignments. 


All Convictions in Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader

There are three main Convictions featured in Rogue Trader’s alignment system. Each dictates your choices and can level up to a maximum rank of level five. Convictions also give access to special equipment you can only wear if you have a specific Conviction and grant unique buffs as you earn with your chosen conviction. These rewards are special abilities and passive buffs exclusive to one of the three Convictions.

All Conviction Ranks and Rewards 

Dogmatic Conviction

The chosen Conviction of the fanatical followers of the God Emperor of Mankind. Choose this Conviction if you wish to roleplay as a stout Imperial on the hunt for Heresy, Traitors, and Xenos.

Conviction Rank Conviction Ability/Buff Description
Level One Grim Determination All party members gain a 10 percent chance of surviving one wound instead of falling unconscious.
Level Two Absolution In the first round of combat, critical hits by party members inflict burning. All fire damage suffered by enemies is also increased by 1 for each Conviction Dogmatic rank. The burning effect makes targets suffer ten damage, and they must pass an agility test with a -10 penalty to stop the burning. 
Level Three Path of Redemption: Makes any momentum expenditure by Rogue Trader and party members, including heroic acts, reduced by -20 percent.
Level Four Piercing Resolution Once per battle, Rogue Trader may choose a party member, including themselves, to receive a special buff. The buff makes it so that for one round, weapon attacks ignore all enemy armor.
Level Five Instrument of His Will Until the start of next turn, Rogue Trader becomes immune to all attacks from daemons and Xenos. All Xenos and Daemons in a five cell radius marked as priority targets.

Heretical Conviction

The chosen Conviction of heretics operating outside Imperial law and the good of the Imperium. Choose this Conviction if you wish to reject the God Emperor of Mankind and worship demons while falling to Chaos.

Conviction Rank Conviction Ability/Buff Description
Level One Resource Preservation Player and party members gain a 20 percent chance to save a Combat Stimulant or Medkit after consuming it. 
Level Two Destroy the Weak All party members and Rogue Trader gain a 25 percent chance to regain one AP after killing an enemy. Trigging this effect manifests Psychic Phenomena. Destroy the Weak does not reset cooldowns of attacks and abilities.
Level Three Gifts of the Warp Any psychic phenomenon raises the momentum of your party by +2 to 10 instead of decreasing by -1 to 5.
Level Four Daemonopathy Once per battle, you can choose one of your party members or yourself and grant a 20+ bonus to all stats for two rounds. After the effect fades, the character will fall to the ground.
Level Five Power From Beyond the Veil All weapons on the battlefield become warp imbued for 1 round, granting bonus damage equal to +(veil degradation level), and an additional +(5 x veil degradation armour penetration percentage.

Iconoclast Conviction

The chosen Conviction of those trying to survive and do the right thing in a universe of endless wars. Choose this Conviction if you value human life and rational thought.

Conviction Rank Conviction Ability/Buff Description
Level One Above the Thundering Guns Makes Rogue Trader and two random allies start combat with temporary wounds equal to their own resolve.
Level Two Masters of Command During the first round of combat Rogue Trader and their allies gain +2 Rogue Trader’s Iconoclast rank and additional MP.
Level Three Courage and Steel Rogue Trader and allies need 30 less momentum to activate Heroic acts.
Level Four Transcend the Potential Once per battle, Rogue Trader may choose an ally to use a heroic act without spending momentum immediately.
Level Five Excellence Makes any attack from allies that hit other allies dodged if possible. It also makes allies resist attacks from allied abilities with resistance tests.

All Conviction Equipment and Items in Rogue Trader

There are several equipment items that players need a specific conviction to use. Our list is also a work in progress, so check back later for more items added to the list. 

Item Conviction
Fortress World Mesh Vest  Heretical
Helm of Determination Iconoclast
Helm of the Devoted Protector Dogmatic

For more on Rogue Trader, we at PGG have you covered with Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader – Trailer, Gameplay, Release Date, & everything we know! And what time does Rogue Trader come out?.


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