Image via Nintendo
It’s easy to get nervous about choices in any game. However, the frequency of dialogue choices and other choices in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes can make the experience more nerve-wracking than usual. How confident are you that you won’t lead everything to a bad ending?
The good news is that the dialogue options don’t affect which ending you get. Once you choose a route in your conversation with Jerice, there is only one way to go. However, the right dialogue options sometimes allow you to increase your character’s attachment to Sches, which greatly speeds up your level of support. Not every dialogue option is associated with a potential attachment boost; create Shez’s personality the way you want it to be.
In any case, you can always increase attachment in several ways, such as:
- By engaging with them.
- Giving Gifts
- Collaborative activities
Unlike Fire Emblem: Three Houses, you do not need to be at a certain level of support with a character to recruit them into your House. Characters in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Houses are recruited through side missions. in each chapter, so be sure to complete them before moving on to the main battle.
In some cases, however, your choices will matter: this refers to the choices you make on the go during missions.
Do I have to follow all mission objectives?

Now is the time to be guided by your morals when making combat decisions. Secret characters can also be recruited do not kill them, no matter what the target tells you.so be on your guard and don’t lose sight of those bright red flags. That’s right, even if it makes your battles harder!
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