It so happens that modern developers of high-budget games have discredited themselves so much that simple modders do not represent any difficulty to make something significantly improving the gameplay or adding new functionality to the project. Of course, one of the clearest examples of this sad situation in the game-dev is Cyberpunk 2077, for which the other day modder PotatoOfDoom released a modification that implements FSR 2.0 technology support in the game.

According to the first users who dared to install the modification, it works exactly as expected: significantly increases the performance – and the increase is more noticeable, the worse you initially worked with Cyberpunk 2077. This circumstance, however, is quite natural: the difference between 100 and 140 frames per second is not so tangible and noticeable to the eye, as the difference between, say, 60 and 100 frames per second, not to mention the less productive systems, on which in Cyberpunk 2077 there was a real slide show.
If you wish, you can download the modification from the most popular mod portal NexusMods.