Update 21.10 brought Naruto’s second set of cosmetics at Fortnite. The Fortnite community has been going on a rampage since the game Naruto crossover appeared in Fortnite, featuring Nindo Challenge. The Nindo challenge is quite simple and involves collecting fish, destroying enemies, and surviving storm circles.
Completing these tasks gives looper tokens with which they can redeem free cosmetics and XP. Players can obtain the last set of cosmetics by completing the following steps Itachi, Hinata, Gaara, and Orochimaru.. Along with cosmetics, Loopers will also receive XP.
How to pass the Fortnite x Naruto Nindo Challenge
All four characters have separate paths that must be taken to get cosmetics and XP. Below is the path for each of them.
1. Itachi’s path

Players will receive a token for every 5 top-6 finishes. This challenge. can only be completed in Battle Royale and Zero Builds modes.. One Itachi token will give you In-game cosmetic emoji “Shocked Itachi” token.. And the reward for receiving 5 badges will be 20,000 XP.
2. Gaara’s Way.

This challenge can only be completed in Zero build playlists (Solos, Duos, Trios). Surviving 24 circles of the storm will give you one Gaara token. For one Gaara token loopists get A Focused Gaara smiley face. Five badges similarly award XP.
3. The Way of Orochimaru

18 eliminations will give the looper one token. This test can be completed in the main part of the Battle Royale modes (solos, duets, and trios). One Orochimaru token will give Orochimaru’s Smile In-game smiley face. Collecting 5 tokens. will give you a reward of XP.
4. Hinata’s Way

You will receive. Hinata badge after collecting 20 fish. This task can be done in the The main Battle Royales modes, as well as the Zero Build modes (solos, duos, trios, and squads).. Receiving one token will allow you to get Hinata’s Byakugan. smiley face and similarly you will get some XP rewards.
Fortnite x Naruto Nindo Challenge Rewards
The reward for completing one quest in the Nindo Challenge is Akatsuki Cosmetic Wrap. But to win. Glider Manda и 80,000 XP Loopers need to complete all four paths. Both of them are free. The Nindo challenges are live, you have 15 days to complete them, so go ahead and complete the paths to get free rewards.