There have been so many articles written about the monetization system in Diablo Immortal that it doesn’t make much sense to focus on it once again. However, materials indirectly related to the local monetization system are coming, and their semantic load is sometimes so funny, that to avoid them would be akin to a crime. So, on the Web. information has come to light. from a gamer under the nickname jtisallbusiness, claiming that he apparently “overdonated”.
According to the gamer, he has already invested $100,000 in his Diablo Immortal character and has managed to defeat a hundred opponents without defeat. As a result, he lost the opportunity to play in PvP-mode, because the system simply can no longer pick up opponents of the appropriate level for him.
Attempts to solve the problem through Blizzard Support were unsuccessful – apparently, the company simply does not know how to pick up opponents to the player who objectively “overdonated”, and, apparently, did it first and with a large margin from other potential “donaters”.
If no solution is found, the gamer threatens to sue and demand his money back, since the game has effectively lost its basic functionality for him. What will come out of this is a good question: probably nothing.