
How to become a Partner in Toiler Tower Defense (TTD) – Roblox


When Roblox experiences reach the upper echelon of popularity (ie Adopt Me!, Pet Simulator, Toilet Tower Defense, etc.), they oftentimes create partnership programs that allow qualifying players to have certain in-game benefits in exchange for social media promotion. In Toilet Tower Defense, players who meet the partnership requirements and make videos about the experience will receive exclusive in-game goodies that can’t be earned by anyone else.

How to join the Toilet Tower Defense partnership program

To become a Toilet Tower Defense partner, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Must get at least 1k views per video on YouTube, 1k views per stream on the streaming platform of your choice, or 10k views per video on TikTok
  • Must have at least 10k subscribers on YouTube, 50k followers on TikTok, or 10k subscribers on Twitch
  • Must be a member of the Toilet Tower Defense Roblox group

If you fail to meet these requirements, you are ineligible to become a Toilet Tower Defense partner. If you do meet the requirements, you can apply for the partnership program by filling out a partner application. These applications are shared every few months in the official Toilet Defense Discord server, specifically in the Community channel, and must be completely filled out and submitted before the application window closes in order to be considered.


Not every player who meets the requirements is accepted into the partnership program—the final decision is still up to the Toilet Tower Defense team.

What do you get in the Toilet Tower Defense partnership program?

Toilet Tower Defense partners receive an exclusive tag that labels them as a partner in-game, a Partner role in the Discord server and Roblox group, and the ability to sign/autograph units. There’s also an exclusive chat in the Discord that only partners have access to.

Looking for more Toilet Tower Defense content? Check out some of our other guides on How to trade in Toilet Tower Defense or How to get Gems in Toilet Tower Defense here on !


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