With the launch of Season 4, Treyarch has added a new version of Shi No Numa to the Zombie mode of Call of Duty: Vanguard. However, it’s not just ammo that has risen from the dead. The fan-favorite wonder weapon, the wunderwaffe, has also made a triumphant return. Here’s how you can get the wunderwaffe in Shi No Numa.
How to Build a Wunderwaffe in Shi No Numa
Step 1

The first step to creating a Wunderwaffe is to go to Communication Room area of the map. You need to open the building at the back of this area. Once inside the building, make your way to the right side.where you should notice white table on which the lamp shines. On this table you will find Electrical fuse.. Pick it up and go to the next step.
Step 2.

The next step will be a walkthrough to the Fisherman’s Hut. map branch. Inside the Fisherman’s Hut, turn right. Just after you go through the door, you will see a shelf behind the door with many items on it. You need to take the Weapon barrel. which is in the center of the bottom shelf.
Step 3.

Once you get the weapon barrel, proceed to collect three tubes of charged vaccuma. Return to the near the communication room.. Here, in the water, you should find a generator. Attach the gun barrel to this generator. and get ready. You will be tasked with protect this generator while it’s on. It’s not too difficult, but on higher rounds you’ll need to make sure you have strong tools at your disposal, such as the ray gun.
Step 4.

After you’re done protecting the generator, you’ll want to go back. to the communications room. Here, in the room, which is located in the building in the back left corner room.you will find a shelf with a radio on it. You have just turned on this radio and should now be able to take the first charged vac tube out of it. Once you have the vacuum tube, you are ready for the next step.
Step 5.

Next you need to go to the Vault building. Here is the workbench on which you eventually assembled the wunderwaffe. Next to the workbench you will see a fuse that can be used to activate the electric trap at the door to the warehouse building. Turn on the trap. and wait for the time to expire. Then the fusible link will open. Install electrical fuse that you took in Step 1, into the box and it will automatically turn back on. Finally, turn it on. one last time, as soon as it cools down, and you will notice a second loaded vac tube. appears on the workbench.
Step 6.

To get Vacuum tube with final charge, you need to wait Zaballa will appear in the light. This is a witch who wears several masks and attacks with balls of light. Take her to the center of the map in Excavation Room.where you will find a coil. Make her use lightning attacks next to the coil several times until it is fully charged. Once that happens, you can take the third and final Vaccum Tub from the table next to it.
Step 7.

One last step left Back to the vault building and create a wunderwaffe. It takes about five seconds to craft, so make sure you have enough time to avoid getting trapped. Weapon Fires electric charges which chain on other nearby enemies, inflicting damage and stuns on them. By default it withstands three charges before recharging. However, it can be placed in Pack-a-Punch automatic rifle to increase the number of charges you can hold to six.