The language learning app Duolingo has joined the Roblox metaverse with their Duolingo Game Hub. experience! Along with this experience, you will receive several custom content items dedicated to the app’s famous mascot, the Duolingo owl. Two of these items, viz., the Duolingo Bodysuit. Duolingo Snapback Cap can even be obtained for free by following the guide below!
Getting Duolingo items
To get two free items in this experience, players need to earn enough coins to unlock them: 3,000 Coins.. Coins can be earned by playing Spanish or Vanish. a minigame located in the experience spawn. However, before you dive headfirst into this minigame, it is important to perform the following steps to earn some coin multipliers and make the collection process much easier and less time-consuming.
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Earning Coins.
Once you get to the Duolingo Game Hub, head to the arcade building pictured below.

Inside this arcade are 25 fan mini-games that players can join and explore, as well as a sign explaining how multipliers work.

As you can see from the image above, multipliers are given depending on how many minigames you have played. If you play four minigames, you get a 2x multiplier, if you play 10 minigames, you get a 3x multiplier, and if you play all 25 minigames, you get a 4x multiplier. In order to earn coins as quickly as possible, we very We recommend playing all 25 minigames.
To play a minigame, simply walk up to the corresponding picture and hold down the E When the prompt appears.

Fortunately, you don’t have to stay in these mini-games for long enough for them to count towards the completion of each mini-game. In fact, you can exit immediately after joining by finding and navigating to the portal hub pictured below. Each minigame you join will have a type of this portal.

As you go in and out of the minigames, you should notice that the coin counter at the top of the screen begins to automatically accrue multipliers. Once you go in and play every minigame in the arcade, that is, every minigame will have a green icon on it. Played the inscription above his image, on your counter should be a multiplier of 4x.

Now you’re ready to start earning coins! Unfortunately, as you may have already noticed, the coins earned in the fan mini-games do not count towards the total number of coins in the Duolingo Hub game. Instead, coins must be earned in the official Spanish or Disappear game. To play this game, exit the arcade and head to the game entrance pictured below.

Once here, click E to join the game and teleport to his spawn.

To complete this mini-game, players need to explore three unique mazes, collect various items and coins, avoid the patrolling Duolingo owls, and make a great escape! In the first level maze, you need to collect the following items: a bouquet of flowers, a plate of meatballs, and a candle. Unfortunately, this maze can be very confusing and has no easy solution, so the best advice we can give you is to find the map shown below and try to follow it!
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If you still feel lost after finding this map, check out the quick tips below.
- Flowers can be found by walking down the hallway to the left of Rules sign
- Meatballs can be found by walking down the hallway to the right of Map
- Candle can be found by walking down the corridor to the left of Passage sign

After collecting all these items, go to the end of the labyrinth and approach the big house. Once in front of it, press and hold the E go inside.

Inside this house should be another Duolingo owl and a small pile of coins.

To get to the next level of the maze, you need to take a short Spanish lesson with Duolingo the owl. The answers to this lesson can be found below.
- Feliz
- Estar a solas
- Se olvidaron de mí
Once in the second part of the maze, you will need to find and interact with three more items – Duolingo’s desk, a roll of toilet paper and a copy machine. This maze is much easier to explore and maneuver through than the first one, so it won’t take long to find these items. If you’re having trouble, check out our quick tips below.
- Duolingo Table. can be found by walking down the corridor, which is to the left of the respawn point, and turning right the first time after the poster with the inscription It has been six days since you practiced Spanish..
- The copier can be found by exiting Duolingo’s office, turning right, and then continuing straight ahead until you see Copy room. A sign on the wall to your left. Turn left into the copy room to interact with the copy machine.
- A roll of toilet paper can be found by exiting the copy room and turning left into the next corridor with stalls. Go through these stalls, past the water cooler and the second It’s been six days since you’ve done Spanish poster, and turn left into the hallway that leads from the stalls. Then turn left, left again, and right to get to the bathroom.

After collecting all these items and all the coins you were able to find, head to the end of the maze and walk up to the elevator door. Once you are there, press and hold the E To enter it.

There should be another Duolingo owl and a decent amount of coins inside this elevator!

To get to the next level of the maze, you need to complete another short Spanish lesson. The answers to this lesson can be found below.
- Evitar
- Todo el tiempo
- No me la perdería
After you have answered Duo’s questions correctly, you can go to the third maze. Five of Duo’s friends are hidden in this maze; to leave the arcade, you must find all five friends and invite them to Duo’s birthday party. Because the arcade inside this maze is so short, finding everyone is pretty easy-this level won’t be too much trouble!

After you find all five guests, head to the back of the maze, look for the party doors and hold down the E to open them.

Congratulations! You successfully completed the maze, collected all the items for Duo’s birthday celebration, and earned a bunch of free coins!

To leave Duo’s party and return to the Duolingo Hub game, go to the door behind him and hold down the E. Back at the spawn, find the store building shown below and enter it.

Inside this store are all the Duolingo-themed items that you can buy for Robux or unlock for all the coins you earn! Don’t worry if you don’t have enough coins to purchase both free items at once, you can go back and replay the Spanish or Disappear game at any time to earn more!