Call of Duty: Mobile (CODM) is a great game. And besides having a good internet connection and good phone, you need skills to takedown your enemies and win matches.

Here are a few points to help improve your skills on the game:
- Consistency: to get better at the game, you’ve got to play more often and consistently. You’ve got other engagements, true, but if you truly want to improve your skills, you need to make time to play the game. As you play, you practice your existing skills and learn from your opponents.
- Learn from other players: Watch Professional CODM players on their stream channels like Twitch, YouTube, etc. You’d also learn alot from reading tutorials and guides from gaming communities.
- Training mode: I’m not exactly good at sniping, but the training mode on CODM has really helped me learn alot about sniping. In the practice/training mode, you get to play against bots.
- Adjust controls to ease finger movement on screen: The default controls positioning is good, but you can make it even better by adjusting/moving the buttons to positions that makes it easier for you to use them. By doing this, you won’t have to stress to move your left thumb to tap a button on the right- instead you just move that button to the right for convenience and speed when in a match.
I’m sure you’ve got something else to add…drop it in the comments below!