To finish Rogue Legacy 2, you must find and defeat eight powerful opponents. We’ll show you where they are and how to defeat all of the game’s bosses in this guide.
You must explore six vast landmasses in total and locate all of the eight key bosses. After beating the last boss in the Dried Lake Pison zone, two more opponents are considered final and will become available.
Citadel of Agartha: How to defeat Estuary Lamech

The Lamech Estuary room is on the Agartha Citadel’s middle floors. Explore this region for the Ananke Shawl family heirloom before going to him. This guide has further information on family heirlooms. Read the Memory once you’ve found the throne room. It will claim that if you ignite two lamps at the gate, you will gain access to Lamech’s rooms. To light the first torch, jump and kick. Air sprint and kick the second torch after that. The Barbarian class is ideal for defeating Lamech. You can, however, experiment with others.
Spear assault: This is the enemy’s major attack, in which he uses a spear to attack the protagonist. To avoid harm, simply perform a long jump and dash.
Staff assault: If Lamech has a staff in his hands, he will point it at you and assault you in the near future. Get into close proximity to him. Between the staff and the monster, there will be a tiny gap that can be used to evade damage and inflict multiple hits on Estuary.
Staff of magic: Lamech takes up the staff once more, but this time he points it upwards rather than at you. Blue balls fly out of the staff at this point. You should back up and try to avoid them.
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Sword attack: If your opponent draws a sword and swings it, you must close the gap. Two geysers will rise from the ground after the collision, which can harm the hero.
Attack with daggers: The boss pulls daggers from his belt and throws them at the heir. He throws three times, and all you have to do is dodge them in time.
Axe attack: Lamech will immediately jump into the air and spin like a barbarian during a jump attack when he draws his axe. Prepare to dodge the fireballs by diving below them.
Axis of the World: How to Defeat Bjarrich, the Beast of the Void

The boss can be found at the Axis of the World biome’s penultimate position. You must first obtain the Echo Boots Heirloom before exploring this area. There are no further qualifications to enter this combat. Avoid ranged classes, and instead choose a hero who attacks rapidly and at close range. Keep an eye out for the Assassin or Ronin.
Bones: You’ll encounter one adversary initially, but his companion will soon come. The boss tosses multiple bones at the heir during the main attack. Simply avoid them. The enemies will roll one huge die a second time. Because the bone turns while in flight, choose a moment to jump and rush under it.
Bounce: The Beast’s final attack is a leap on the heir. Several bones will fly out from under the boss’s legs in different directions as he lands. Try not to collide with them.
When the second opponent appears, strive to avoid being surrounded by the beasts. It’s better if they stay on the same side all the time. Get close to them after each attack and deliver a couple of fast strikes. It makes no difference which one you assault. The Beast’s health bar will continue to fall regardless.
Plateau de Kerguelen Estuary Noem: How to Defeat It

The boss’s gate can be found in the Kerguelen Plateau biome’s far right room. To open the gate, you must first explore the biome and locate two Lilies of the Valley. These artifacts don’t give the heir any perks, but they do take away 10 points of determination. Because the boss is constantly in the air, we recommend one of the ranged classes. Mage or Pathfinder would be ideal.
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Balls of resonance: The opponent will first release several resonating balls. Use a kick to get rid of the Echo Boots since you already have them. They can also be defeated using some of the hero’s abilities. Varvara, for example, from “Winter Cry.”
Balls of magic: Near the hero, red seals appear, from which magical balls emerge. They can be ice (blue) or fire (red) depending on the class you choose. You can’t kill them; all you can do is avoid them.
Nightmares will come in the second part of the conflict, so you’ll need to explore the Citadel of Agartha and locate the Aesop’s Tommy Family Heirloom to understand how to quiet them down. Avoid the boss, avoid magical balls in time, and destroy resonant projectiles.
Academy of Stygian: How to Defeat Gonglavai, Murmur, and Enoch’s Estuary, Nether Beasts

Enoch’s quarters are typically found in the central area of the Stygian Academy biome. To combat Estuary, you must first locate and slay two Behemoths. The Assassin or Barbarian are both excellent choices for this fight.
How to locate and defeat Gonglavai, the Nether Beast
The first Beast is always found on the Stygian Academy biome’s left side. The encounter with the mini-boss has no additional requirements. You must combat two halberdiers at the same time. They summon multiple spirits first, then attack with a jump or dash. Use conventional weapons to eliminate spirits and deliver harm to foes.
What is the best way to find and defeat the Nether Beast Murmur?
You must first complete a special task and obtain the Void Bell Family Heirloom before proceeding to the second mini-boss. She can improve standard dashes, allowing you to pass through void barriers.
Resonance orbs and void barriers will be released by the Behemoth in the room with the opponent. Purple obstacles can be destroyed with a dash of the void, but resonance balls cannot. To climb up and jump over them, you’ll have to use kicks (if there is no ball on top). There will occasionally be missing balls from below, which will make the task easier. In any case, we advise going to the boss in better shape.
When you reach the Behemoth, tackle him and watch out for the balls and obstacles he throws at you. You can try to ignore them and strike the enemy till he dies if you have a lot of health.
How to locate and defeat the Enoch Fireballs in the Estuary of Enoch

When a red circle appears around the monster, back away and brace yourself for the arrival of fireballs. They can’t be killed with regular attacks, but you can use certain of the heroes’ abilities. Use the Barbarian’s Winter Cry talent, for example.
A fiery gaze: A massive eye appears from behind Enoch’s robe, scattering fireballs around the area. With a vacuum impulse, the attack is finished. You can use Void Dash to avoid him.
Capture: The boss raises his hands in front of him and sprints towards the successor. You must avoid this onslaught in a timely manner.
Perfume: Enoch will occasionally release spirits. They are vulnerable to standard weapon attacks.
The Void Trap: Wait a few seconds until the void appears around the hero, then dart out of the trap without taking damage. Don’t do it in advance!
The scrolls on the right and left parts of the site cannot be destroyed, so be careful. If you find yourself in their loss zone, get to the other side right away. In addition, Void Orbs will be added to the scrolls that will sail around the boss in the latter stages of the battle. After defeating the Estuary, interact with the chest to confront the true boss.
How to Defeat Enoch’s Real Estuary
You can create efficient battle tactics depending on what class you play and what active talent you have. The adversary currently has three active attacks.
Coins with poison: The chest runs twice around the chamber, scattering poison coins. If you’re playing as the Barbarian, jump over the boss, do a jump kick, and stay above him. With the ax, the hero will revolve till he falls to the ground. To stay in the air all the while, kick the boss from above. Other classes will not be able to use this approach. If you’re not a barbarian, double leap and run to the far corner of the area, where the poison coins are practically gone. This is how you prevent getting hurt.
The opponent comes to a halt and fires two explosive canisters five times. This is a fantastic chance to inflict damage on the boss. The adversary will begin to jump alongside the heir, stay under the chest and strike it when it hits the ground.
The Sun Tower: How to Survive the Irada Estuary

The throne room may be found at the very top of the Tower of the Sun. There are no further qualifications to enter combat. Any class will suffice for a short melee attack. One of the toughest battles in the game is against Estuary Irada. Because you’ll be continually dodging magic and resonant balls, as well as void charges, throughout the battle.
Balls of magic: The eyes will release a vast number of magic balls from the start of the combat. Dodge is the only method to escape taking damage.
Resonance balls and ghosts: The boss can summon numerous enormous ghosts in the initial stage. Along with the ghosts from the eyes, resonance balls will arise when the third eye appears on the map. Both of them can be taken out with simple air kicks.
Charges of void resonance: dash is the only way to avoid taking damage from void charges.
Explosion: When a red circle appears around the eye, it’s time to switch platforms.
Dried Lake Pison: How can the Tubal Estuary be defeated?

The throne room can be found anywhere in the Dry Lake Pison biome. To beat Tubal, you must locate and battle various mini-bosses. Because the opponent is basically immovable, the Astromancer is the best class to use against him.
We recommend returning to the castle and removing any artifacts or runes that reduce your determination before beginning your search for mini-bosses. You’ll need to find two special keys to get to each enemy, which will cost you 44 points of determination.
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Aegeon Shield and Gyes Ax
Classes that use their weapons to impact the ground will not be effective against these foes. Because you’ll have to navigate around the mushroom platforms, this is necessary. If you hit such a platform, it will vanish for a short while.
When traveling through different biomes, you may encounter similar foes. The ax has only one attack: it spins swiftly and chases the hero. The shield, for its part, uses a directed strike and leaves an ice trail in its wake. If you fall into one of these trails, your character will be damaged.
These mini-bosses, unlike earlier foes, have additional attacks. The hammer has the ability to summon fireballs as well as attack like the Gyes Axe. In addition to the basic strike, the sword also throws miniature knives at the hero.
How to find Tubal Estuary and defeat it
A brief cut-scene featuring a dragon will appear as you deal with the aforementioned opponents. Now you must seek it and defeat the Estuary that resides within it.
As previously stated, fighting the adversary with the Astromancer class is the best option. Send a magic ball in the direction of the boss’s strikes, which will hurt the enemy. Remember to employ your good talent in combat if you have one.
Shields and axes Several axes or shields will appear at the start of the combat. It will not be possible to get rid of them right away because they have particular protection. You must attack multiple times in succession to deal damage. The ordinary Astromancer cloud can readily kill spirits released by axes.
Swords of fire: The boss will occasionally release scorching swords that plummet slowly to the earth. Simply avoid them.
If Tubal falls to the ground, prepare to float for a while. A fire and two massive saws will appear at the bottom of the screen at this moment. To avoid receiving damage from the monster, you may need to use a long leap, dash, and kick.
Trap for fire: The Estuary will fire a hot iron ball that will fly around you and cause damage in the second phase of the battle. You’ll have to keep an eye on both the boss and this trap from now on. Fortunately, she can be pushed off with a kick.
Walls of void. During the early phase of the conflict, the opponent can release these walls, but only if you move far away from him. To prevent harm, use dashes.
Traitor: How do you defeat Jon?

After killing all of the previous bosses and opening the castle’s entrance gate, you will be able to enter the battle with Iona. Because the enemy is extremely swift and rarely stays in one location for lengthy periods of time, the Mage and Astromancer will have to be abandoned. The Arrow, Assassin, or Valkyrie are the finest choices.
You can collide with Ion and stroll through him without worry of suffering damage, unlike other foes. This knowledge should make the fight a lot simpler.
This is one of the most cunning boss assaults. He draws his sword and performs an empty strike (you will see a purple glow). It’s nearly impossible to avoid him. The only option to prevent harm is to use a void dash in any direction during the blow. You should not relax if the boss attacks you twice in succession. Scythe assault Jonah accelerates as he picks up a red scythe. To avoid being hit, double leap and dash towards the enemy.
Archery: When the enemy triggers the bow, three arrows will be released at once. The Valkyrie’s halberd can be used to deflect projectiles.
Axe assault: The traitor equips an axe and leaps into the air at this point. Then, like a barbarian, it circles around itself. We don’t recommend jumping immediately away because you won’t have enough time to ascend above the attacker. It’s advisable to back up or sprint underneath him in the opposite direction.
Pizza: Jonah throws three pizzas into the air, which float for a few moments before rushing towards the hero. Kicks and active talents can be used to take them out.
Lightning: The traitor will come to a halt and unleash a barrage of lightning across the screen. Try to leave the red-highlighted sections alone.
Spoons: Five spoons are thrown into the air by the boss. All you have to do is dodge it in time.
King of the Immortals: How can Cain be defeated?
Defeat Ion the Betrayer and return to the castle on Charon’s boat to get entrance to the combat. Any class can defeat the opponent, but Ronin is our recommendation.
This adversary will use nearly all of the attacks used by previous bosses. It will not be difficult to deal with this attacker if you are able to locate him. Giant bones, fire and magic balls, void barriers, and fire saws will all be part of Kain’s arsenal. Apply the same strategies as before.