343 Industries has shared with gamers some information about the. Halo Infinite’s new updatewhich is scheduled for release on August 9. This is a “Drop Pod” update, meaning it contains small features and fixes rather than new game modes and the like, but 343 goes on to say that with this update it addresses several of the community’s most requested features including improvements to the game’s armor system.
The new Halo Infinite update will also improve the challenge system by making them more visible to players looking to check off those tasks. 343 is going to release the scopes to work with different armor cores instead of the ones that are currently restricted. On the other hand, we have learned that Halo Infinite’s open world was “significantly” trimmed before launch..
With the arrival of our next Drop Pod on August 9, visors will work on all cores, Challenges will appear in the pause menu, and more. Read up to see what other improvements will be making their way to #HaloInfinite NEXT WEEK!
– Halo (@Halo) August 5, 2022
New update for Halo Infinite
Gamers will recall that the developer said not long ago that it planned to make the different armor pieces to be compatible with multiple armor cores. instead of having cosmetics restricted to certain cores, but it was said that the process would be gradual. In this new Halo Infinite update, all scopes currently in the game, and all future scopes to come, will work on all hulls in all armor cores.
Recreate the terrifying P.T. demo in Halo Infinite’s Forge mode.
In addition to this change, which serves as an announcement of subsequent similar ones, 343 is also making challenges to be viewable directly from the start menu. so players can easily check their ongoing tasks to see what needs to be completed. This same update will also lay the groundwork for more ranked playlists in the future, with one or two new playlists already coming in this next update.