
How to get Prototype Blueprint in The Last Faith

Screenshot by The Last Faith will keep you looking out for various items needed to get better or progress in the game, and one such item is the Prototype Blueprint. It’s a weapon upgrade material you can use to upgrade your weapons.  When it comes to getting Prototype Blueprint, things can get a little tricky, …


All Hogsmeade Valley Collection Chests in Hogwarts Legacy

Screenshot by There are many treasure chests for you to find in Hogwarts Legacy and most of them contain gear but Collection Chests hold something else entirely. You can find collectible items like Wand Handles, Conjuration Spells, and Traits so here’s where to find all eight Collection Chests around Hogsmeade Valley in Hogwarts Legacy. Where …


MW3 Zombies Minelayer Mission Walkthrough

Minelayer is a Tier Three mission in Call of Duty MW3 Zombies which can be tricky to complete, especially if you don’t know how to find specific enemies. I had a tough time completing this mission, and have figured out a few methods you can try to make it easy. How to complete Minelayer mission …



How to do Thanksgiving Fatality in MK1

Image via Steam One noteworthy inclusion in the Happy Halloween package is Mortal Kombat 1’s Thanksgiving Fatality, which has generated curiosity among fans. The guide will explain how to obtain and do the Thanksgiving Fatality in MK1. How to Get Thanksgiving Fatality in MK1 In Mortal Kombat 1, players must obtain the Seasonal Finishers package from the game’s premium …


BitLife – How to Complete the Thank You, Next Challenge

If you are pondering how to complete the Thank You, Next challenge in BitLife, start by creating a female character from Florida using the character customization menu and then follow the given steps. All Objectives to complete the Thank You, Next Challenge in BitLife To finish the Thank You, Next Challenge in BitLife, you must …


Persona 5 Tactica – How to defeat Marie (Mission 22)

Screenshot by It’s clear from the campaign’s start that Marie will be a serious pain in Persona 5 Tactica. So when you finally get to go toe-to-toe with the first big boss of the game, how can you defeat Marie? Marie has been enslaving the locals, forcing them to help her prepare for her big …


What is “Peach’s ???” in Super Mario RPG

Screenshot by In the original Super Mario RPG, there is an item that you can find early in the game in Peach’s bedroom. It has made a triumphant return in the remake for the Nintendo Switch, but what is this mystery item? Toadstool’s ??? item in Super Mario RPG Much to the surprise of fans …


All Moth to the Frame picture locations in Hogwarts Legacy

In Hogwarts Legacy, you will have plenty of side quests to complete, and one of them is a Moth to a Frame quest. Locating the Moth pictures and returning their moths will earn you rewards toward your Field Guide challenges and here’s how to locate each one easily in-game. Where to find all the Moth …


All POIs and Named Locations in Fortnite OG Map (Chapter 4 Season 7-8)

Screenshot by Fortnite Chapter 4 Season OG is finally here, bringing back iconic landmarks and POIs from the first chapter of the game, including some of our all-time favorite landing spots, like Tilted Towers. The map progressively changed over multiple weeks, returned classic POIs and biomes from past seasons, and combined them into one epic …


How to turn off Voice Reporting in Fortnite

Since Fortnite allows voice chatting, we already know it can be pretty toxic sometimes. However, that might change with Fortnite’s new age restrictions and Voice Reporting features. Players will now have the option to allow Voice Reporting, meaning players will have to be extra careful about what they say to each other. This may seem …

