Terrakion is a Tier 5 Raid Boss in Pokémon Go. It is a quadrupedal ox-like Pokémon which is mostly grey. It also has tan coloring on its face, underbelly, and legs along with orange eyes with small black pupils. It has two brown horns on its head protruding from either side. As it is a Tier 5 Pokémon, fighting a raid against it is going to be no joke. So in this Pokémon Go guide, we are going to talk about the best ways and counters using which you will be able to defeat Terrakion in the best way possible.
Terrakion in Pokémon Go
Terrakion is a dual-type Rock and Fighting Pokémon with a maximum Raid Boss CP of 48457. It is vulnerable to Fairy, Grass, Ground, Psychic, Steel, and Water-type attacks and even if you are a high-level player with the best counters, going into the battle all by yourself won’t be the smartest thing to do. Instead, go in a group of at least three trainers to have the best chances at victory.
Terrakion Moveset

The best moves from the moveset of Terrakion are Double Kick and Sacred Sword. Both of them have a combined DPS of 67 and it is also the best combination of moves that can be used in both Pokémon Gyms and PvP battles. Other decent attacks from its move pool include Zen Headbutt, Close Combat, Earthquake, and SmackDown amongst other good options.
Best counters against Terrakion in Pokémon Go
Here’s the list of the best counters that you can use against Terrakion and guarantee a win for yourself.
- Kyogre (Primal): Waterfall/Origin Pulse
- Groudon (Primal): Mud Shot/Precipice Blades
- Alakazam (Mega): Confusion/Psychic
- Swampert (Mega): Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
- Mewtwo: Psycho Cut/Psystrike
- Garchomp (Mega): Mud Shot/Earth Power
- Gardevoir (Mega): Confusion/Psychic
- Latios (Mega): Zen Headbutt/Psychic
- Sceptile (Mega): Bullet Seed/Frenzy Plant
- Rayquaza (Mega): Dragon Tail/Dragon Ascent
- Terrakion: Double Kick/Sacred Sword
- Blastoise (Mega): Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
- Hoopa (Unbound): Confusion/Psychic
- Latias (Mega): Zen Headbutt/Psychic
- Keldeo (Ordinary): Low Kick/Sacred Sword
- Kartana: Razor Leaf/Leaf Blade
- Lunala: Confusion/Psychic
- Blaziken (Mega): Counter/Focus Blast
- Metagross: Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash
- Venusaur (Mega): Vine Whip/Frenzy Plant
- Groudon: Mud Shot/Precipice Blades
- Kyogre: Waterfall/Origin Pulse
- Lucario: Counter/Aura Sphere
- Hoopa (Confined): Confusion/Psychic
- Gengar (Mega): Lick/Psychic
- Zarude: Vine Whip/Power Whip
- Gyarados (Mega): Waterfall/Hydro Pump
- Latios: Zen Headbutt/Psychic
- Jirachi: Confusion/Doom Desire
- Conkeldurr: Counter/Dynamic Punch

Fighting Terrakion in Cloudy weather will be the best for you if you are using mostly Fighting and Fairy-type Pokémon as it provides a boost to both of them.