Finnish studio Remedy is currently torn into several parts at once, working on five very different projects. Among them, in particular, is a free-to-play online shooter game codenamed Vanguard, which deadline the company didn’t name, but, of course, had some notions about it. Anyway, those ideas had to be reconsidered: today Remedy reportedthat she needed more time to bring the Vanguard to the desired degree of readiness.

As the studio notes, it has set a high bar for the quality of its projects over the years, and in order for Vanguard to meet that bar, more resources need to be provided to the project. In this case, time.
Vanguard is currently in the concept stage, and the major big job is just ahead. According to the plan, Vanguard will not enter the active development phase until 2023, and first it will require a large and experienced development team.
At the same time, Remedy lowered its revenue forecast for the current year.