
Remnant 2 Ritualist Archetype – Skills, Perks, Traits and more

Remnant 2’s expansion, The Awakened King, features brand-new content, including a fresh new Ritualist Archetype. In this guide, I will show you many new things you can do with this class once you obtain it.


Remnant 2 Ritualist Class Explained

The new Ritualist Archetype provides the Remnant 2 players the ability to master true pain and suffering. This new class, brought forth by The Awakened King DLC, uses its plethora of status effects to gain an advantage over its foes. I found it is best described as the reverse Alchemist Archetype; where the latter brings buffs and benefits to allies, the former brings pain and suffering to its foes.

All Ritualist Perks – Remnant 2 The Awakened King

  • Vile (Prime Perk)(Level 1)
    • This ability makes enemies more susceptible to Status Damage and spreads their status to nearby enemies upon death, creating opportunities for chain reactions.
  • Wrath(Damage Perk)(Level 1)
    • Increases all damage to enemies affected by a Negative Status Effect by 2%, with damage increasing with Ritualist level.
  • Terrify(Team Perk)(Level 2)
    • Killing an entity applies Terrified to all enemies within 5 meters of the killed being for 20 seconds while also making enemies deal 5% less damage.
  • Dark Blood (Utility Perk)(Level 3)
    • Reduces damage received from Negative Status Effects by 25%.
  • Purge (Relic Perk)(Level 4)
    • On Relic Use, it cleanses all Negative Status Effects on the character.

All Ritualist Skills – Remnant 2 The Awakened King

  • Eruption (Damage Perk)(Level 1)
    • Going perfectly together with the prime perk, the Ritualist uses Eruption to detonate nearby enemies and adds insult to injury by dealing bonus damage to those already suffering from Status Effects already applied.
  • Miasma (Level 5)
    • To unleash further damage, bestowing Miasma upon affected enemies immediately applies Bleeding, Burning, Overloaded, and Corroded to all caught within range.
  • Deathwish (Level 10)
    • Like a true tortureer, the Ritualist can use Deathwish to curse themselves. Instead of healing, it causes constant health drain but grants a heavy damage buff and substantial lifesteal.

All Ritualist Traits – Remnant 2 The Awakened King

The Ritualist Archetype receives a unique trait called Affliction, which increases the duration of the Status Effect against enemies by 10% and levels up automatically with the Archetype. 

For more information on Remnant 2, check out Remnant 2 Man in the Sewer – Should you Give the Amulet or Keep it? and All Remnant 2 Traits and how to get them on .


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