The rumors associated with a Red Dead Redemption remastering. seem to have gained some traction thanks to the PS Plus subscription service. The speculation underpinning these rumors doesn’t seem to be too strong, although it has been rumored for so long and so many times, that every little hint seems to be a clue and for some almost a confirmation. In this case, things are going down this same path and it may turn out to be nothing.
As discovered by Rockstar Mag, Red Dead Redemption and its expansion are scheduled to come out of PS Plus. later this year, on October 17. And while on all services, games tend to come and go with some frequency, so this isn’t that unusual at first glance. What makes Red Dead’s impending removal from PS Plus odd, however, is that it’s the only PS3 title on a list of 140 such games currently scheduled to leave the subscription platform.
This could be the approaching Red Dead Redemption Remake announcement date.
Red Dead Redemption Remastering
How does all this relate to a possible remastering of Red Dead Redemption? Some fans believe that Rockstar Games wants to make RDR inaccessible through any service. so that they can more easily sell a new version of the game in the future. This is a tactic we’ve seen many companies implement in the past: first promote the game in some way and then sell it. Some believe Rockstar will do something similar.
Will there be Red Dead Redemption Remake by 2023?
Although they have already circulated many credible reports of a Red Dead Redemption remaster have already circulated. that is on the way, it’s worth stressing that this speculation is just one more on the list, and perhaps one of the weakest. Therefore, it should not be taken for granted that a new version of RDR the new generation of consoles will be coming out sometime soon. Although we may finally see it coming.