About two weeks ago the Summer Game Fest 2022 event took place, giving us a lot of worthy announcements and other publications on the gaming industry. Now. it turns outThe event’s program has once again set a viewing record: this year’s Summer Game Fest has been viewed more than 27 million times, which is 8 percent more than last year’s similar event.

The peak simultaneous viewership at the same time was 3.5 million, which leads us to a pretty simple conclusion: the pandemic may be in retreat, but the habits that emerged in those two and a half years aren’t going anywhere for the foreseeable future: games have become part of the lives of a huge number of people.
This success must surely be built upon, event organizer and host Jeff Keeley rightly felt. In June 2023, Summer Game Fest will return. And, we must assume, it will become more interesting and richer in various premieres.