Developers from NeocoreGames Studios have named the exact date The Chained God free add-on for the tactical RPG King Arthur: Knight’s Tale. The update is due out June 23, it will add several new enemies to the project’s client.

The Chained God will also offer players to take on the passing of a small story campaign devoted to the struggle of giant Fomorians led by the god-king Balor. Gamers must give them a fight, and then get a valuable reward – seasonal currency. Spend local “credits” can be used to purchase equipment and unique items.
The developers of King Arthur: Knight’s Tale are going to support the project with seasonal updates. So, The Chained God is only the first of many updates planned. The authors have assured that all such content will be free.
Recall, King Arthur: Knight’s Tale goes on sale April 26, 2022 on PC, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. At the time of publication of this material, the project has 82% rating on Steam based on over 2,500 reviews.