
The Talos Principle 2: How To Solve Duet


The Talos Principle 2 is one of the best puzzle games to come out in 2023. The game features plenty of different esthetics for its numerous locations. It starts with an incredible Egyptian motif for its tutorial and goes into areas with large concrete blocks covered in overgrowth.


To solve Duet, you will need to make use of two Drillers. This means you will be making plenty of holes and sending things through them. If ever you find a puzzle particularly difficult, you can make use of a Prometheus Spark to skip the puzzle entirely.

Duet – Jamming The Progress Wheel Barrier

Talos Principle 2 Duet Progress Wheel Jammer

In the first room of this puzzle, you will see a Driller sitting beyond a purple barrier — go and take this Driller. You will see a blue barrier to the left and a purple barrier to the right — between the two will be a window. Look through this window, and you will see another window on the opposite side. Aim the driller through the other window, and you will see “Create hole” as an option. Create a hole and then head over to this location. You will see a switch you can pull on the other side of this hole.

Flip the switch and then turn around to see a pad you can jump on — it will have an activated Fan next to it. This will launch you into the room with the switch you just pulled, as well as a Jammer. Use this Jammer on the blue barrier leading out of this room. Head back to the Driller and move it over to the other window in the same room. Look slightly to the left, and you will see a special wall where you can create a hole using the Driller. Head back to the Jammer and pick it up.

If you choose to use the ladder to get out of this room instead of using the Jammer on the blue barrier, just use the pad by the Fan again to launch yourself back into the room.

Look through the window in the room with the Jammer and aim it through the hole you made with the Driller. Through this hole, you will see a blue barrier — jam this barrier. Now that the Jammer is jamming the barrier through the hole, you will need to use the ladder this time around as the barrier to leave the room will still be deployed. Head on over to the room with the first Driller to see the blue barrier is now jammed, allowing you to grab a second Driller. Place this second driller through the hole that the Jammer is aimed at.

Go to the first Driller and pick it up. Now, take it over to the special wall you passed the second Driller through. Head to the other side of this special wall where the second Driller is and use it to create a hole, so you can take the first Driller on the other side. Carry the first Driller and go to the Fan. Aim at the special wall and make a hole. Use the pad to launch yourself into the room with the Jammer and pass the Jammer through the hole.

Use the Ladder to get out and take the second Driller. Place the second Driller on the red button in this room. Take the first Driller and turn to face a special wall on the opposite side of the Fan. You can use the Jammer through the hole you just made and jam the blue barrier on the other side. Head through the open barrier by the button and follow the path to find the Progress Wheel.


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