The Talos Principle 2 has many puzzles, some more mind-boggling than others. The game may start by having players simpler puzzles, such as the ones found in the tutorial, but as it progresses, things will get harder and harder. Some of the best puzzle games will feature many mechanics to make things get even harder near the end of them.
You may find yourself utterly stumped and just want a puzzle to be over. Luckily, there is a feature in the game to let you skip puzzles you have had enough of being in, so you can try your hand at the next one. This comes in the form of Prometheus Sparks.
What Are Prometheus Sparks?
Prometheus Sparks is a form of collectible and resource that the game will give players. You can spend these Prometheus Sparks to skip past any puzzles that you do not want to deal with — such as ones that you are finding more and more annoying the longer you try to figure it out. You can increase your number of these sparks in two ways. The first is to find them at specific locations, scattered at various points in the game. The other option is for you to earn them as a form of reward for completing specific puzzles.
How To Spend Prometheus Sparks
You will find an orange hand print with flames above it while in Puzzle Rooms. These are Prometheus Terminals. While you have a Prometheus Spark available, you can interact with one of these Prometheus Terminals to skip the puzzle you are currently in. If you find yourself wishing you had not used a spark, you can get it back by solving the puzzle you used it on. This incentivizes returning to the puzzle to give it another go.
When Should You Use Prometheus Sparks
There is a finite number of these sparks, so burning through them is ill-advised. If you plan on not reading any guides or walkthroughs at all, then you should hold on to them until you are nearing the end of the game in order to complete it — and avoid spending it on early puzzles like Castling or Alternative Option. Luckily, we live in an age where there are all manner of guides provided to players.