We all know the so famous game of Minecraftan open world game where you can make virtually anything you can imagine, from a simple shelter for the night, to a fantastic fortress. In Minecraft imagination is the limit and many players have gone beyond what the game allows with the creation of Mods, so this time we are going to present you the 10 best Mods to install in Minecraft.
What are Minecraft mods and what are they for?
Mods in Minecraft are modifications which the users themselves create to improve their gameplay or simply to give a better look to their game. There is a wide variety of them, there are to change the appearance of the characters, give better performance to the game, improve the structures, add more NPCs such as animals or any creature, there are also for construction and to give ease to the crafting of objects. This time we will talk about the 10 best modsbut there are many more and you can find compilations in some of them. minecraft mods website.
How to install mods for Minecraft
Installing Mods in Minecraft is not just open the file and you already have it inside the game, however, it is not something very complicated either, below we will explain how to install them:
- Install Minecraft Forge.
- Search and download a mod.
- Start the game the game.
- In the upper right part of the game window you should see the button “Game directory“and open the folder “Mods“. If the folder does not exist we must create it.
- Paste the Mod file you have downloaded into the folder “Mods“.
- We must close the folder both in the system and in the game.
- We reopen the game and select “Profile” next to the “Play“. A list of options is displayed, among which will be the one for “Minecraft Forge” and select it.
- With this, when we start the game we will find the Mods installed.
- If you want to remove a Mod just delete it from the folder “Mods“.
Where to download mods for Minecraft
There are quite a few places where we can download Mods created by Minecraft users, one of the most common and reliable is the site of. ZonaCraftwhere you will find an endless number of Mods, it’s just a matter of looking for one that suits your needs.
The 10 best mods for Minecraft
The Twilight Forest
Unlike other Minecraft mods where we are allowed to explore other biomes, this mod allows us to travel through a portal to the “Twilight Forest”, a dimension apart that presents us with a dark forest world.full of new mobs, buildings and objects to expand our collection.
Biomes O’Plenty
If we ever get bored of the biomes we have in the base game, there is no need to worry, as the Biomes O’Plenty mod. adds a ridiculous 80 biomes and 12 sub-biomes, from desert wastelands to brand new snow-capped mountains.. They also add a little variety in weapons, armor, tools, food and add some new blocks to build with.
There are many users that when they play Minecraft, they would like to see the progress they make when exploring the world reflected on a map (a better one than the one that exists in the base game). And for that there is this mod called Journeymap, that allows us to visualize in a clearer way what we have explored of the world.and even show us the mobs around us or place points of interest all over the map.
Minecraft has immense maps, which have to be traversed on foot most of the time. For the most adventurous users, there is the mod called “Waystones”, which Consists of a kind of stones that have the function of allowing us to teleport to them.and therefore, make the mobility around the map much safer and faster.
Candy Craft
Thanks to the Candy Craft mod, we will be able to live the dream of many people of explore a world made of candy and sweets, with armor and weapons made of marshmallows, and pink mountains and trees, all very sweet and pretty.. A mod for all ages, but be careful if you are diabetic.
Fossils and Archeology Revival
One of the coolest things in games is when there are dinosaurs, and more when we can use them as mounts. Well, this is what this mod offers, which adds to our world the possibility of finding fossils and bring back to life these creatures of the past, so we can use them as mounts or companions..
The Aether II
In the base game we have the Nether, a dimension that we could call it as “the hell of Minecraft”, with its own blocks, mobs and biomes.. Well, this mod adds what would be “heaven”, a dimension to which we travel through a portal and that will offer us incredible views on floating islands, with new mobs, blocks and even bosses.
This is one of the most useful mods when it comes to playing survival, as the “Appleskin” mod. will allow us to see how much each piece of food will satiate us, and how long it will be of use to us. Although for many this will make the Minecraft experience much simpler, it is a detail that many users will appreciate.
Portal Blocks
This mod is made for fans of Valve’s iconic saga, where we are allowed to use the Portal Gun of the games to create portals that will make us travel much faster.. It also adds themed environments of the saga in Minecraft.
And to finish, show this mod that adds an almost infinite variety of furniture (such as chairs, tables, shelves and etc.).which will allow us to decorate our house in many ways, and make it much cozier.