Developers from Blizzard have released a gameplay trailer of the recently announced Overwatch 2 heroine, the Vulture Queen. As it was already in all previous times, the authors told separately about all the abilities of the new “tank” and clearly showed their action.

So, the main weapon of the Queen is a six-shot pump shotgun, which is more effective in close combat. The new heroine also has a blade, which allows her to put a bleeding effect on her opponents.
Another unique ability is the Commander’s Cry. It increases the health of the heroine by 200 units, and allies nearby – by 100 units. This skill also increases the Queen’s movement speed by 30%.
The Adrenaline Rush passive ability heals the heroine for all the damage she has managed to inflict on enemies. And the “Slaughter” skill allows the Queen to hit enemies with an axe with occasional damage.
Finally, the Riot superpower gives the new character the ability to dash and wound enemies, who will also take damage from the bleed effect. As long as enemies are under the effect, they will not be able to heal.
Recall that on June 21, Blizzard clarified some details on the upcoming Overwatch 2 testing phase. The developers have made it clear that access to the game will be granted to all users who have applied before July 14.
Invitations will be sent in stages, the first wave of mailings will begin as early as June 28, the second – July 5.