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Gritty medieval RPG Wartales has been well supported since its release, adding regular new content. If you’re looking into archaeology for Path Improvements in the game, read on for my Pendulum guide.
What is the Pendulum – Wartales
The Wartales Community Update #2 introduced new ways to investigate archaeology, allowing players to find new hidden treasures and locations across the game’s regions. To do this, players must first get hold of the Pendulum required to seek them out. Once acquired, it can narrow the search area, much like a treasure map, leading to some nice camp items (see details below).
Where to get the Pedulum in Wartales

Before you can get the Pendulum, you will need to advance the Mysteries and Wisdom Path to level 8. Once you do, you’ll find a new marker will be placed on your map (see above). Go to this new location in Vertruse Province and you’ll discover the Fellowship of Knowledge. Head inside, talk to Professor Hermann, and she will give you the Pendulum of the Ancients along with instructions on how to use it (note you can also buy oil recipes for Explosive, Infectious, and Alertness Oil here).
How to use the Pendulum in Wartales

After the conversation, find the Chronicler Erius’ Journal I in your inventory and study it at your Lectern in camp by using Codex Management. It is a 13-rune code, but works in the same way as usual (I can’t put an answer here, as it is randomized for each playthrough). You will need to have completed the first six tombs (Arthes, Drombach, Grinmeer, Ludern, Tiltren, and Vertruse) to ensure you can decipher this and later Journals.
Once restored, the journal will give you a clue to a treasure’s location. You can’t cheat here, as the locations will not be available until you have successfully deciphered the journal. Once deciphered, you’ll find the first Ancient Fragment you need to find is also in Vertruse Province. Also, you will now have a new icon on the bottom right of your screen, which you click to use the Pendulum.
When you click the Pendulum icon, you’ll see an oscillating bar at the bottom center of the screen. When you get to the exact location of a treasure, the pendulum will stop in the dead center. The closer you are, the less it will swing, but you have to be quite close for it to make a difference. Once it is still, click the Dig button.
Each treasure you need to find is called Ancient Fragments. These can be researched at the Lectern as usual to gain items, but this is not a requirement to open up the next part of the mystery. You can now return to the Fellowship of Knowledge and get the next part of the journal. Note that later parts require higher levels on the Mystries and Wisdom Path before the professor will give them to you (a new one opens up each level from 8-12).
All Pendulum Ancient Fragment locations and rewards – Wartales

Part 1
Vertruse Province: Head north through the region on the path leading up from Brownrock Town, keeping the Alazar Abode to your west. As you get into the woods, cut northeast above the Flooded Mine and place a piton so you can get down to the beach. Follow the beach a little way northwest and you’ll find the first Ancient Fragment.
Reward: Crystal Skull
Camp item. Companions assigned to it get +25 percent damage on their next attack (Offensive Elation).
Part 2
Tiltren County: Follow the road that leads southwest out of Stromkapp and follow it as it leads south past Old Wilburt’s Fishery. Keep heading south and west until you hit the beach, then follow the shoer southwest until you’re south of Tiltren Tomb. You can dig for the second Ancient Fragment here.
Reward: Cradle of Souls
Camp item. Companions assigned to it don’t eat food during the next rest (Satiated).

Part 3
Country of Arthes: Move along the road that leads north from Cortia until you get to Sehra’s Sheepfold. Once there, follow the river north. You’ll be able to dig for the third Ancient Fragment when the path gets to its thinnest.
Reward: Astral Instrument
Camp item. Companions assigned to it get double movement on the first turn of their next battle (Inspiration).
Part 4
Ludern Region: Head east along the road that passes Ludern Jail and then up into the forest before you get to the Stone Court. Stay in the forest there as it goes north and then west. When it turns north again, you’ll find the fourth Ancient Fragment.
Reward: Musical Automaton
Camp item. Companions assigned to it have the damage of the next attack against them reduced by 35 percent (Defensive Elation).

Part 5
Drombach County: From New-Asthel, go south along the road and take the second weste fork that heads past the Inquisition Camp. Keep going until you’ve passed Mount Ernst Haven, then follow the south path into the mountains. Go east past Valiant Tower and head to the area just southwest of the Trapper Hut, where you’ll find the fifth Ancient Fragment.
Reward: Solar System
Camp item. Companions assigned to it gain +5 Willpower for the day (Inspired). You also get a new title (Intellectual Luminaries) which gives all companions a permanent +5 percent Crit damage boost per Sepulchre you’ve opened.
For more on Wartales, check out How to upgrade your ship in Wartales Pirates of Belerion and my Pugilist Build Guide – Wartales here at !